
Artist: Annie Brocoli

Followers: 2,325 Popularity: 22

Annie Brocoli songs list in order

Order songs by popularity on Spotify, year, duration or alphabetically. Click table headers to change sort direction. Sort songs as you like and create a playlist.

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#NameYear %
1 1999 28
2 2001 23
3 2001 22
4 2007 21
5 2003 20
6 2001 19
7 1999 18
8 2001 18
9 2001 18
10 2003 17
11 1999 16
12 2001 14
13 2003 14
14 2007 14
15 2003 13
16 2001 13
17 2003 12
18 1999 11
19 2007 10
20 2006 10
21 1999 10
22 2001 10
23 2001 6
24 2003 6
25 2003 6

Music Analysis

These average metrics are based on Annie Brocoli's tracks

Positivity: 58/100

Danceability: 62/100

Energy: 58/100

Acousticness: 27/100

Instrumentalness: 0/100
Tempo 115