
Artist: Grupo Toppaz De Reynaldo Flores

Followers: 94,312 Popularity: 55

Grupo Toppaz De Reynaldo Flores songs list in order

Order songs by popularity on Spotify, year, duration or alphabetically. Click table headers to change sort direction. Sort songs as you like and create a playlist.

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#NameYear %
1 1990 61
2 1991 54
3 1989 53
4 1988 49
5 1989 49
6 1988 47
7 1990 43
8 1990 43
9 1989 41
10 1992 41
11 1990 41
12 2001 40
13 1991 40
14 1991 38
15 1991 36
16 1997 36
17 1989 35
18 1988 35
19 1989 34
20 1991 33
21 1990 32
22 1989 32
23 1991 31
24 1991 31
25 2001 30
26 2001 30
27 1990 30
28 1990 29
29 2001 28
30 2001 28
31 1988 27
32 2012 27
33 1990 27
34 1991 27
35 2023 26
36 1988 25
37 1990 25
38 2004 25
39 1990 24
40 2002 24
41 1992 23
42 1988 23
43 1989 23
44 1990 22
45 2001 22
46 1988 22
47 1991 22
48 1990 21
49 1991 19
50 1993 19
51 1990 19
52 1989 17
53 1991 17
54 1997 16
55 1992 16
56 2001 16
57 1990 15
58 1990 13
59 1990 13
60 2001 13
61 1988 12
62 2021 12
63 1993 12
64 2001 12
65 1997 11
66 1990 11
67 1989 11
68 1997 11
69 1993 10
70 2001 10
71 1993 8
72 2001 8
73 1992 7
74 1993 7
75 2022 7
76 2001 7
77 2012 7
78 1996 6
79 1997 6
80 1993 6
81 1997 5
82 2002 5
83 2001 5
84 2004 5
85 2001 5
86 2001 4
87 2002 3
88 1997 3

Music Analysis

These average metrics are based on Grupo Toppaz De Reynaldo Flores's tracks

Positivity: 56/100

Danceability: 42/100

Energy: 36/100

Acousticness: 22/100

Instrumentalness: 5/100
Tempo 71