
Artist: Paulinho Da Viola

Followers: 428,862 Popularity: 54

Paulinho Da Viola songs list in order

Order songs by popularity on Spotify, year, duration or alphabetically. Click table headers to change sort direction. Sort songs as you like and create a playlist.

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#NameYear %
1 1970 51
2 1996 50
3 1975 50
4 1972 47
5 1976 46
6 1972 45
7 1978 43
8 1994 42
9 2020 42
10 1972 41
11 1994 39
12 1971 36
13 1994 35
14 2014 34
15 1972 33
16 1981 33
17 1968 33
18 2007 31
19 2016 31
20 1968 30
21 1972 30
22 1970 30
23 1999 30
24 1971 30
25 1994 30
26 1996 30
27 2014 29
28 2007 28
29 1970 28
30 1971 28
31 2007 26
32 1997 26
33 2007 26
34 1988 25
35 1996 25
36 1996 24
37 1994 24
38 1971 24
39 1981 24
40 2005 24
41 2001 24
42 1979 24
43 1976 24
44 1979 24
45 2007 23
46 2007 23
47 2014 23
48 1972 22
49 1970 22
50 1972 21
51 1996 21
52 2001 21
53 2020 21
54 2014 21
55 1988 20
56 1996 20
57 1972 20
58 1968 20
59 1978 19
60 2007 19
61 2007 19
62 1970 18
63 1996 18
64 1996 18
65 1988 18
66 1996 18
67 1997 18
68 1976 17
69 1970 17
70 1971 17
71 1976 17
72 1996 17
73 1975 16
74 1970 16
75 2009 16
76 1972 15
77 1999 15
78 1983 15
79 1983 14
80 1976 14
81 1976 14
82 1983 14
83 2014 14
84 1996 13
85 1968 13
86 1968 13
87 1981 12
88 1983 12
89 1976 12
90 1979 12
91 1978 12
92 1971 12
93 1968 11
94 1997 11
95 1981 10
96 1976 10
97 1978 10
98 1981 10
99 2013 10
100 2001 10
101 1983 10
102 1978 10
103 1981 10
104 1981 10
105 1996 9
106 1968 9
107 1968 9
108 1981 7

Music Analysis

These average metrics are based on Paulinho Da Viola's tracks

Positivity: 59/100

Danceability: 51/100

Energy: 40/100

Acousticness: 46/100

Instrumentalness: 3/100
Tempo 86