
Artist: Richard Burton

Followers: 6,134 Popularity: 41

Richard Burton songs list in order

Order songs by popularity on Spotify, year, duration or alphabetically. Click table headers to change sort direction. Sort songs as you like and create a playlist.

Sort by
#NameYear %
1 2009 24
2 2014 20
3 2014 12
4 2014 11
5 2016 11
6 1978 10
7 2016 10
8 2012 10
9 2014 10
10 2006 10
11 2014 8
12 2014 8
13 2013 8
14 1978 7
15 2016 7
16 2016 6
17 2016 6
18 2016 6
19 2014 6
20 2014 6
21 2016 5
22 1978 5
23 2014 5
24 2014 5
25 2016 5
26 2016 4
27 2014 4
28 2016 3
29 2016 3
30 2009 3
31 2016 3
32 2020 3
33 1978 2
34 1978 2
35 1978 2
36 2014 2
37 2010 2
38 1978 2
39 2012 2
40 1978 1
41 1998 1
42 1978 1
43 1978 1
44 1978 1
45 1978 1
46 1978 1

Music Analysis

These average metrics are based on Richard Burton's tracks

Positivity: 10/100

Danceability: 14/100

Energy: 7/100

Acousticness: 14/100

Instrumentalness: 1/100
Tempo 20