
Genre: 2-step

Play genre

Parent Genre: Electronic

2-step music is a subgenre of UK garage that emerged in the late 1990s. It is characterized by a syncopated beat pattern with a kick on the first and third beat and a snare or clap on the second and fourth beat, creating a distinctive "step" rhythm. The genre also incorporates elements of soul, R&B, and hip hop, with chopped and pitched vocal samples often used as a prominent feature.

Most popular 2-step artists

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Popular 2-step Songs

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2-step music by decade

Explore 2-step history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

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List of 2-step artists

Here is a list of 2-step artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the 2-step genre. You can find out what 2-step genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 43 59588
2 43 23122
3 38 20544
4 36 27924
5 34 20480
6 44 23461
7 32 3844
8 35 15782
9 29 6114
10 30 3079
11 34 47515
12 24 2686
13 22 2724
14 17 3258
15 18 1558
16 23 4331
17 21 1559
18 20 4520
19 14 1272
20 19 2500
21 16 8345
22 17 1913
23 16 2257
24 14 1046
25 13 1583
26 13 2472
27 13 1652
28 13 1188
29 13 732
30 9 1003
31 9 2090
32 3 296
33 8 626
34 8 570
35 8 581
36 6 428
37 6 595
38 6 225
39 6 420
40 4 233
41 4 615
42 3 308
43 2 399
44 2 56
45 2 603
46 2 470
47 1 115

2-step playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular 2-step music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.