
Genre 8d

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8D music is a genre that creates a 360-degree sound experience for the listener, making it feel like the music is coming from all directions. This is achieved through the use of binaural audio technology. 8D Tunes, Alexa ASMR 8D Audio, and Zurxes are all examples of artists who create music in this genre. The music is often used for relaxation, meditation, and immersive listening experiences. (AI Generated)

Most popular 8d artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of 8d genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 447
2024 39
2023 94
2022 103
2021 88
2020 123
2010s 37
2019 20
2018 8
2016 3
2015 1
2014 3
2013 2
484 releases

8d playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular 8d music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular 8d Songs

Top New 8d Songs of 2024

8d music by decade

Explore 8d history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of 8d artists

Here is a list of 8d artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the 8d genre. You can find out what 8d genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 508696
2 52 42636
3 43 8137
4 40 4955
5 40 2547
6 40 1618
7 40 12987
8 37 8405
9 37 3215
10 36 1809
11 35 80642
12 35 17607
13 33 15758
14 31 3350
15 27 842
16 27 8640
17 26 17769
18 26 12645
19 25 4836
20 23 789
21 23 1690
22 22 3168
23 19 343
24 18 546
25 17 1333
26 16 2089
27 14 2310
28 12 171
29 14 377
30 14 684
31 13 2374
32 13 135
33 13 601
34 13 649
35 11 1018
36 11 353
37 11 278
38 10 850
39 9 390
40 9 219
41 9 160
42 8 47
43 7 147
44 7 882
45 7 2372
46 7 599
47 7 1245
48 6 378
49 6 811
50 6 162
51 5 272
52 4 111
53 3 1630
54 3 183
55 3 292
56 3 34
57 3 507
58 2 127
59 2 346
60 2 94
61 2 101
62 2 420
63 2 69
64 2 1475
65 2 1016
66 1 202
67 1 198