
Genre: acoustic pop

Play genre

Acoustic pop is a genre that combines the catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms of pop music with the stripped-down sound of acoustic instruments. The songs often feature acoustic guitar, piano, and percussion, and the lyrics tend to be introspective and heartfelt. The genre is known for its emphasis on live performance and the use of harmonies and vocal layering. The music is often characterized by its positive and uplifting messages, and its ability to connect with listeners on a personal level. (AI Generated)

Most popular acoustic pop artists

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Parent Genre: pop

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Instruments used

Piano, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Fiddle, Pedal Steel Guitar

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Acoustic Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1013
2024 184
2023 228
2022 187
2021 209
2020 205
2010s 1371
2019 177
2018 181
2017 190
2016 139
2015 127
2014 105
2013 111
2012 118
2011 125
2010 98
2000s 441
2009 93
2008 93
2007 67
2006 55
2005 43
2004 41
2003 24
2002 13
2001 8
2000 4
1990s 8
1999 1
1998 1
1997 4
1992 2
2833 releases

Popular acoustic pop Songs

Top New acoustic pop Songs of 2024

acoustic pop music by decade

Explore acoustic pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of acoustic pop artists

Here is a list of acoustic pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the acoustic pop genre. You can find out what acoustic pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 66 1062437
2 57 799131
3 66 1963683
4 64 800595
5 60 384905
6 73 7270798
7 71 835642
8 59 488055
9 65 857040
10 50 172867
11 59 1118154
12 48 197062
13 65 1131383
14 48 165150
15 49 639443
16 53 338413
17 51 118503
18 46 218429
19 47 133054
20 53 483456
21 52 87054
22 52 375158
23 51 374809
24 47 67484
25 42 264539
26 49 100286
27 48 43370
28 53 276106
29 46 155245
30 49 148940
31 43 105517
32 41 161734
33 42 71565
34 42 22786
35 40 124885
36 69 1494443
37 38 43598
38 49 312767
39 58 169721
40 56 152240
41 58 678301
42 36 30327
43 36 77840
44 34 47333
45 34 9361
46 50 67485
47 64 307987
48 61 517276
49 46 99751
50 48 214796
51 51 82187
52 54 149452
53 45 139644
54 47 48079
55 40 110658
56 57 98472
57 53 226974
58 45 33111
59 55 251169
60 43 53004
61 54 325249
62 53 182657
63 47 137520
64 39 24294
65 46 47023
66 50 100176
67 44 47788
68 46 41918
69 43 31691
70 47 166846
71 47 3368
72 45 16155
73 46 50299
74 35 20358
75 45 5721
76 36 43155
77 44 123533
78 42 53267
79 42 26401
80 38 22982
81 42 75422
82 40 47459
83 35 27909
84 41 54185
85 35 23276
86 40 47044
87 40 14420
88 40 22971
89 39 35035
90 36 23484
91 38 8506
92 38 49808
93 37 41486
94 36 21191
95 35 36275
96 35 28827
97 35 24570
98 35 26540
99 34 35071
100 34 26231

acoustic pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular acoustic pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.