
Genre: acoustic pop

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

Acoustic pop is a genre that combines the catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms of pop music with the stripped-down sound of acoustic instruments. The songs often feature acoustic guitar, piano, and percussion, and the lyrics tend to be introspective and heartfelt. The genre is known for its emphasis on live performance and the use of harmonies and vocal layering. The music is often characterized by its positive and uplifting messages, and its ability to connect with listeners on a personal level.

Most popular acoustic pop artists

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Related instruments

Piano, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Fiddle, Pedal Steel Guitar

Popular acoustic pop Songs

Top New acoustic pop Songs of 2024

Most popular acoustic pop albums

Onward (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Gossip in the Grain
Love Is a Four Letter Word
Days Gone (Original Soundtrack)
The Bright Side
Anywhere With You
English Rain
Little Voice
Wax Wings
A Johnnyswim Christmas
The Civil Wars
Amos Lee
Future Throwback

acoustic pop music by decade

Explore acoustic pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of acoustic pop artists

Here is a list of acoustic pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the acoustic pop genre. You can find out what acoustic pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 1011854
2 65 1916694
3 55 788232
4 59 367050
5 72 7119777
6 58 787709
7 59 470533
8 65 808931
9 50 168224
10 46 160503
11 57 1082754
12 46 193407
13 49 641914
14 64 1083657
15 52 370017
16 46 215178
17 54 476064
18 38 109018
19 49 113444
20 45 131864
21 49 372954
22 41 262524
23 46 97637
24 46 154155
25 45 42973
26 52 265374
27 45 101565
28 41 85405
29 39 64425
30 39 22160
31 47 142116
32 36 92147
33 38 71346
34 37 42858
35 36 47032
36 36 76942
37 35 30089
38 57 156825
39 55 117872
40 33 40631
41 48 312332
42 31 9055
43 55 672979
44 62 208376
45 60 507900
46 47 213248
47 45 98885
48 47 132777
49 48 64213
50 55 96247
51 46 133769
52 45 28745
53 46 33134
54 53 245385
55 52 302799
56 51 165606
57 48 220438
58 43 44185
59 35 23254
60 34 51676
61 49 95902
62 43 45882
63 48 72702
64 47 42582
65 36 19576
66 44 39152
67 44 159079
68 43 5435
69 39 30959
70 43 121856
71 42 14441
72 41 25453
73 31 22665
74 39 46210
75 40 51783
76 40 45437
77 30 17773
78 34 22421
79 32 27673
80 35 22026
81 39 52302
82 38 48835
83 38 13743
84 38 34335
85 38 21584
86 37 74622
87 36 40267
88 34 36007
89 35 23630
90 33 30650
91 34 20532
92 34 28028
93 33 7610
94 33 40548
95 32 25486
96 31 34716
97 30 25348
98 29 12599
99 29 6802
100 28 20527

acoustic pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular acoustic pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.