
Genre acoustic

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Parent Genre: Folk/Acoustic

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Instruments used

Piano, Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, Banjo, Fiddle, Pedal Steel Guitar, Double Bass, Keyboard/Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Acoustic genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

acoustic playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular acoustic music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular acoustic Songs

Top New acoustic Songs of 2024

acoustic music by decade

Explore acoustic history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of acoustic artists

Here is a list of acoustic artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the acoustic genre. You can find out what acoustic genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 75 9065456
2 73 4825493
3 71 5500108
4 72 6739368
5 72 2148378
6 71 3085334
7 70 3995449
8 64 3015747
9 69 4005896
10 68 2358805
11 64 2837927
12 64 2659643
13 63 2448171
14 63 2466607
15 63 1947040
16 62 1954670
17 57 848644
18 56 1145861
19 61 1888788
20 59 2652237
21 57 1239991
22 58 1060141
23 58 1058383
24 57 1212624
25 57 1090352
26 49 439549
27 56 813868
28 55 965522
29 55 1492249
30 53 1059600
31 63 1067143
32 63 1967560
33 48 389146
34 48 164074
35 47 332100
36 47 891189
37 53 799864
38 57 801319
39 72 7279034
40 56 489556
41 57 386474
42 66 1498820
43 47 639227
44 66 3067076
45 47 173234
46 50 339407
47 51 483913
48 62 320583
49 50 375606
50 48 375095
51 59 518293
52 53 155532
53 50 277212
54 53 679204
55 54 359362
56 55 53642
57 53 98699
58 52 45680
59 52 251658
60 70 4292046
61 51 327369
62 50 183898
63 47 137520
64 48 126507
65 48 25673
66 48 283289
67 47 21704
68 47 14149
69 47 105443
70 47 100690
71 63 2991846
72 61 172641
73 61 1647851
74 58 2245029
75 57 3114592
76 49 412367
77 53 378127
78 53 14458
79 53 7811
80 52 54933
81 50 251440
82 50 632160
83 50 36749
84 49 451307
85 55 18202
86 49 38756
87 48 10654
88 48 27670
89 48 9978
90 54 13663
91 48 11285
92 54 264484
93 47 11680
94 47 24464
95 47 4544
96 48 6230
97 48 4092
98 47 5345
99 49 18375
100 49 7566