
Genre african gospel

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African gospel music is a genre that combines traditional African rhythms and melodies with Christian lyrics and themes. It often features powerful vocals and energetic instrumentation, including drums, percussion, and brass instruments. The music is intended to inspire and uplift listeners, and is often performed in churches and at religious events. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many African artists incorporating gospel elements into their music. (AI Generated)

Most popular african gospel artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of African Gospel genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 5584
2025 10
2024 716
2023 1742
2022 1307
2021 967
2020 842
2010s 2927
2019 651
2018 488
2017 385
2016 320
2015 281
2014 266
2013 192
2012 152
2011 103
2010 89
2000s 671
2009 138
2008 88
2007 88
2006 77
2005 71
2004 45
2003 34
2002 46
2001 32
2000 52
1990s 170
1999 36
1998 35
1997 20
1996 16
1995 14
1994 11
1993 15
1992 15
1991 7
1990 1
1980s 24
1989 2
1988 3
1987 5
1986 5
1985 2
1984 3
1983 1
1982 2
1980 1
1960s 1
1969 1
1930s 1
1930 1
9378 releases

african gospel playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular african gospel music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular african gospel Songs

Top New african gospel Songs of 2024

african gospel music by decade

Explore african gospel history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of african gospel artists

Here is a list of african gospel artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the african gospel genre. You can find out what african gospel genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 202978
2 48 32904
3 61 2414332
4 44 135767
5 57 1155459
6 56 360527
7 56 1872897
8 56 609067
9 56 1213584
10 55 223119
11 54 423239
12 54 1707707
13 54 1112183
14 51 577483
15 51 33313
16 50 21751
17 50 706278
18 50 725930
19 50 387091
20 49 621406
21 49 129740
22 48 427156
23 48 581654
24 48 291664
25 47 599772
26 47 316020
27 47 875316
28 47 200964
29 47 813897
30 46 146754
31 45 409650
32 45 584876
33 45 197142
34 45 134239
35 45 72354
36 45 361370
37 56 248325
38 44 281525
39 44 36568
40 44 156613
41 44 49590
42 44 81057
43 43 96712
44 43 185586
45 42 89933
46 42 9624
47 42 32794
48 42 46436
49 42 76613
50 42 123378
51 41 67949
52 45 58541
53 48 90947
54 54 173265
55 42 29554
56 56 171615
57 48 38725
58 50 91619
59 44 10584
60 47 42329
61 46 222287
62 44 15661
63 42 27643
64 47 38951
65 47 62203
66 48 108364
67 44 766326
68 51 59202
69 50 31331
70 42 572147
71 49 1006150
72 48 6101
73 47 997717
74 46 169961
75 46 607174
76 46 378836
77 46 99181
78 45 94787
79 45 112544
80 45 34008
81 45 105328
82 45 192901
83 43 195674
84 44 243069
85 44 208619
86 43 303843
87 42 122747
88 43 173531
89 43 272626
90 43 114784
91 43 206231
92 42 86882
93 42 257125
94 42 269027
95 42 133568
96 42 37354
97 41 338494
98 41 99889
99 55 6798
100 44 71429