
Genre: afro drill

Play genre

Afro drill is a subgenre of drill music that originated in Ghana and has gained popularity in recent years. It is characterized by its heavy use of trap beats, aggressive lyrics, and a unique blend of African and Western influences. The genre often features fast-paced flows and energetic delivery, with themes of violence, street life, and social commentary. Afro drill artists often incorporate their local dialects and slang into their music, giving it a distinct cultural flavor.

Most popular afro drill artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Afro Drill genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 205
2024 22
2023 74
2022 46
2021 38
2020 25
2010s 23
2019 8
2018 8
2017 5
2015 1
2013 1
228 releases

Popular afro drill Songs

Top New afro drill Songs of 2024

afro drill music by decade

Explore afro drill history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of afro drill artists

Here is a list of afro drill artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the afro drill genre. You can find out what afro drill genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 69 1489322
2 40 316799
3 44 96201
4 42 122425
5 41 72625
6 32 51454
7 31 44785
8 30 48457
9 34 76328
10 29 11060
11 33 128180
12 26 15602
13 26 15923
14 38 10232
15 33 17755
16 28 34538
17 35 35013
18 23 18148
19 26 26345
20 31 4865
21 18 9596
22 22 3490
23 25 8759
24 29 3159
25 28 9897
26 22 3448
27 18 10834
28 26 8664
29 12 5740
30 15 45638
31 21 601
32 5 2049
33 19 8196
34 1 237
35 1 492
36 1 1292
37 13 1138
38 13 374
39 12 573
40 9 785
41 7 430
42 7 1375
43 7 469
44 6 159
45 6 1434
46 5 243
47 5 849
48 5 19
49 4 78
50 4 151
51 3 1075
52 3 54
53 3 29
54 3 338
55 2 274
56 2 182
57 2 292
58 2 19
59 2 2626
60 1 49
61 1 75
62 1 51
63 1 248
64 1 80
65 1 61
66 1 368
67 1 26

afro drill playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular afro drill music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.