
Genre: afro psych

Play genre

Afro psych music is a genre that blends traditional African rhythms with psychedelic rock and funk. It features hypnotic grooves, heavy percussion, and often incorporates elements of jazz and soul. The music is characterized by its use of distorted guitars, synthesizers, and other electronic instruments. The lyrics often address political and social issues, and the music is known for its high-energy live performances.

Most popular afro psych artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Afro Psych genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 20
2024 5
2023 6
2022 4
2021 5
2010s 57
2019 1
2018 2
2017 8
2016 5
2015 4
2014 7
2013 4
2012 9
2011 11
2010 6
2000s 9
2009 2
2007 2
2006 1
2005 2
2004 1
2002 1
1990s 3
1997 1
1994 2
1980s 5
1980 5
1970s 12
1979 1
1978 3
1977 2
1976 2
1974 2
1973 1
1971 1
106 releases

Popular afro psych Songs

Top New afro psych Songs of 2024

afro psych music by decade

Explore afro psych history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of afro psych artists

Here is a list of afro psych artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the afro psych genre. You can find out what afro psych genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 37 53885
2 37 64376
3 31 32457
4 36 18420
5 29 5329
6 29 8879
7 25 9956
8 25 6042
9 27 13553
10 27 30668
11 26 10985
12 22 5775
13 26 7504
14 21 8041
15 22 2181
16 20 5260
17 21 2406
18 20 5150
19 20 3976
20 17 3770
21 19 2106
22 18 2936
23 18 1461
24 18 1481
25 17 4000
26 16 2231
27 16 2393
28 16 2174
29 16 1106
30 15 730
31 15 1365
32 15 1487
33 13 610
34 13 693
35 12 559
36 10 842
37 5 705
38 4 548
39 7 155
40 7 638
41 7 147
42 6 1250
43 6 320
44 6 109
45 4 198
46 3 107
47 3 131
48 2 77
49 2 71
50 2 394
51 1 152
52 1 104
53 1 178

afro psych playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular afro psych music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.