
Genre: afropop

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

Afropop is a genre of music that originated in Africa and blends traditional African rhythms with contemporary pop music. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and use of African instruments such as the djembe and kora. The lyrics often touch on themes of love, social issues, and cultural identity. Popular artists in this genre have gained international recognition for their unique sound and infectious energy.

Most popular afropop artists

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Related instruments

Guitar, Trumpet, Drum Kit, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Piano, Horn Section, Clarinet, Trombone, Double Bass, Saxophone, Harmonica, Drum Machine, Sampler, Organ, Acoustic Guitar

Popular afropop Songs

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afropop music by decade

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List of afropop artists

Here is a list of afropop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the afropop genre. You can find out what afropop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 77 5167482
2 63 1779986
3 72 4655587
4 65 2194569
5 70 2631864
6 61 1478960
7 62 1770195
8 61 759172
9 56 673267
10 45 500887
11 58 1301628
12 56 619251
13 56 899177
14 56 530358
15 58 1544065
16 53 772106
17 49 213849
18 55 264973
19 50 316822
20 49 1060794
21 53 904635
22 52 664028
23 47 537152
24 46 577731
25 60 640698
26 50 745037
27 44 200007
28 62 1873977
29 42 239418
30 60 743183
31 53 701199
32 53 609343
33 39 112647
34 52 263382
35 56 1341893
36 55 573716
37 54 534191
38 53 1176295
39 53 886297
40 52 301809
41 50 373855
42 50 475209
43 46 223294
44 47 247919
45 46 296035
46 41 246748
47 41 147310
48 41 363766
49 38 114424
50 39 278703
51 39 66251
52 50 101178
53 55 595091
54 53 254110
55 56 212780
56 49 194592
57 47 263440
58 51 75010
59 47 56800
60 48 185305
61 46 155399
62 43 145132
63 47 339031
64 50 31053
65 53 233809
66 39 110589
67 47 45456
68 55 384014
69 46 99670
70 48 556263
71 46 89189
72 39 68960
73 39 88873
74 52 224098
75 43 128110
76 47 184817
77 49 332301
78 40 58169
79 48 130367
80 47 117809
81 38 98599
82 46 184642
83 61 67817
84 40 42265
85 40 44652
86 48 325386
87 59 255251
88 47 380591
89 45 349384
90 43 91141
91 52 628634
92 39 81478
93 52 214900
94 44 46787
95 48 111285
96 40 118448
97 44 147539
98 42 77524
99 48 72397
100 41 131303

afropop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular afropop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.