
Genre: alberta country

Play genre

Parent Genre: country

Alberta country music is a genre that blends traditional country sounds with modern influences. It often features storytelling lyrics that touch on themes of love, heartbreak, and the rural way of life. The music is characterized by its use of acoustic instruments such as guitar, banjo, and fiddle, and its strong vocal harmonies. Alberta country music has gained popularity in recent years, with a new generation of artists emerging who are putting their own spin on the genre.

Most popular alberta country artists

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Popular alberta country Songs

Top New alberta country Songs of 2024

alberta country music by decade

Explore alberta country history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of alberta country artists

Here is a list of alberta country artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the alberta country genre. You can find out what alberta country genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 58392
2 49 147796
3 47 543722
4 44 87440
5 51 83532
6 37 276044
7 44 72972
8 39 59986
9 41 79096
10 39 25469
11 34 10707
12 22 13497
13 49 152749
14 30 13822
15 8 6280
16 24 3318
17 26 6672
18 26 56300
19 17 5693
20 18 16254
21 15 4430
22 13 13349
23 13 8890
24 9 1033
25 7 5154
26 26 4480
27 25 3553
28 25 1038
29 4 1031
30 1 234
31 1 331
32 20 804
33 20 1107
34 16 1329
35 15 338
36 14 1679
37 14 1539
38 14 219
39 13 1069
40 12 2416
41 12 373
42 12 796
43 10 862
44 9 698
45 9 187
46 9 414
47 9 604
48 8 247
49 7 643
50 5 528
51 5 305
52 5 699
53 4 105
54 4 511
55 4 299
56 3 156
57 3 234
58 3 423
59 2 942
60 2 30901
61 2 365
62 2 540
63 1 229
64 1 695
65 1 218
66 1 170
67 1 388

alberta country playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular alberta country music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.