
Genre alt country

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Alt-country, short for alternative country, is a genre that blends traditional country music elements with influences from rock, punk, and folk. It often features raw, emotionally powerful lyrics and a more stripped-down, authentic sound compared to mainstream country. Alt-country artists typically embrace a DIY ethos and are known for their distinctive, genre-defying approaches. (AI Generated)

Most popular alt country artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Alt Country genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2147
2025 8
2024 472
2023 643
2022 401
2021 303
2020 320
2010s 2237
2019 254
2018 235
2017 258
2016 214
2015 217
2014 243
2013 222
2012 201
2011 218
2010 175
2000s 1326
2009 172
2008 179
2007 170
2006 147
2005 127
2004 129
2003 115
2002 110
2001 97
2000 80
1990s 448
1999 59
1998 69
1997 70
1996 51
1995 48
1994 41
1993 38
1992 25
1991 21
1990 26
1980s 130
1989 18
1988 22
1987 18
1986 19
1985 16
1984 8
1983 4
1982 7
1981 9
1980 9
1970s 51
1979 10
1978 10
1977 5
1976 4
1975 6
1974 3
1973 3
1972 3
1971 5
1970 2
1960s 5
1969 4
1968 1
6344 releases

alt country playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular alt country music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular alt country Songs

Top New alt country Songs of 2024

alt country music by decade

Explore alt country history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of alt country artists

Here is a list of alt country artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the alt country genre. You can find out what alt country genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 1474348
2 59 401284
3 54 355423
4 63 948422
5 60 570060
6 58 1007779
7 57 551490
8 42 98423
9 57 398376
10 52 444051
11 42 131070
12 54 414628
13 42 91535
14 42 126817
15 44 58711
16 48 131992
17 52 444054
18 59 357993
19 51 247452
20 41 43993
21 44 189847
22 43 131819
23 59 168874
24 41 148309
25 62 334610
26 57 587296
27 49 187076
28 45 184323
29 51 363662
30 49 262793
31 52 230939
32 48 228041
33 75 2796259
34 45 90495
35 44 106027
36 50 217573
37 57 308119
38 45 129185
39 45 77246
40 50 141734
41 47 185949
42 43 48936
43 50 178943
44 53 574276
45 44 161824
46 46 70902
47 47 70232
48 58 786164
49 42 141900
50 46 92933
51 45 211225
52 41 81069
53 52 264236
54 47 134245
55 45 168842
56 49 57500
57 45 44704
58 48 138418
59 43 52661
60 47 111675
61 46 255543
62 45 101403
63 46 136667
64 46 123936
65 46 234430
66 45 101311
67 44 143798
68 44 79279
69 44 35117
70 43 8414
71 43 64435
72 42 66815
73 42 33828
74 49 158592
75 49 94009
76 43 191702
77 59 136236
78 47 250596
79 42 43214
80 62 183834
81 48 82053
82 46 45706
83 49 184598
84 41 91468
85 56 89785
86 43 52489
87 55 442992
88 53 566857
89 46 133237
90 43 128229
91 49 60106
92 43 137904
93 46 110933
94 46 21262
95 46 209249
96 44 177911
97 44 62860
98 43 105260
99 42 71353
100 42 61456