
Genre: alt-idol

Play genre

Alt-idol is a music genre that blends elements of J-pop, rock, and electronic music. It features unconventional and experimental sounds, often incorporating heavy use of synthesizers and distorted vocals. Alt-idol groups often have a strong visual component, with members dressing in unique and eye-catching outfits. The genre is known for its emphasis on individuality and creativity, with groups often pushing boundaries and challenging traditional idol norms.

Most popular alt-idol artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Alt-idol genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1064
2024 93
2023 406
2022 249
2021 187
2020 129
2010s 137
2019 72
2018 35
2017 15
2016 8
2015 5
2014 1
2013 1
1201 releases

Popular alt-idol Songs

Top New alt-idol Songs of 2024

alt-idol music by decade

Explore alt-idol history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of alt-idol artists

Here is a list of alt-idol artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the alt-idol genre. You can find out what alt-idol genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 65251
2 24 11342
3 27 24846
4 24 9031
5 31 34816
6 17 14827
7 20 5012
8 22 5627
9 27 4037
10 27 6518
11 20 3408
12 15 6700
13 25 5685
14 24 5951
15 15 2593
16 12 5713
17 24 5474
18 23 3148
19 14 4409
20 23 7664
21 23 5165
22 16 5361
23 18 7131
24 21 6973
25 12 5301
26 20 3179
27 19 1699
28 19 2709
29 19 1252
30 19 9445
31 18 2435
32 18 5583
33 18 4293
34 17 2423
35 17 5340
36 17 3306
37 17 1696
38 17 2500
39 17 2727
40 16 2242
41 16 2282
42 16 4783
43 16 2226
44 16 7474
45 15 1457
46 15 8547
47 15 887
48 15 4548
49 14 2136
50 14 5369
51 14 1312
52 13 1211
53 13 2189
54 13 1469
55 12 1298
56 11 6310
57 10 2071
58 10 1019
59 52 152639
60 24 17613
61 20 10193
62 28 7057
63 22 4870
64 23 1595
65 22 7166
66 22 802
67 19 2557
68 19 14270
69 18 1574
70 18 10736
71 17 3039
72 11 4773
73 17 1077
74 16 1246
75 16 1556
76 10 3603
77 15 1521
78 14 1238
79 14 1314
80 14 1207
81 14 1512
82 14 2131
83 11 1596
84 13 1439
85 13 2641
86 13 3194
87 13 1157
88 13 1751
89 12 2681
90 12 811
91 12 825
92 12 292
93 11 2696
94 11 873
95 11 831
96 11 1052
97 11 1519
98 11 400
99 10 756
100 10 373

alt-idol playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular alt-idol music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.