
Genre: alte

Play genre

This music genre is characterized by a fusion of traditional African rhythms and contemporary sounds. The music often features soulful vocals and lyrics that touch on themes of love, heartbreak, and personal growth. The beats are usually mellow and laid-back, with occasional upbeat moments that get listeners grooving. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a growing number of artists incorporating elements of it into their music.

Most popular alte artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Alte genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 332
2024 38
2023 105
2022 78
2021 52
2020 59
2010s 144
2019 54
2018 26
2017 25
2016 17
2015 7
2014 6
2013 3
2012 1
2011 5
2000s 4
2009 1
2008 2
2006 1
480 releases

Popular alte Songs

Top New alte Songs of 2024

alte music by decade

Explore alte history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of alte artists

Here is a list of alte artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the alte genre. You can find out what alte genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 78 2341224
2 63 2094253
3 62 762867
4 64 481042
5 56 1105411
6 50 230226
7 56 157187
8 51 170643
9 52 129143
10 51 218981
11 47 131735
12 43 228172
13 51 293291
14 52 71846
15 51 99779
16 36 22337
17 36 62668
18 33 25393
19 40 8204
20 36 16062
21 37 41725
22 37 17820
23 37 51348
24 36 1380
25 36 13369
26 36 46124
27 35 22515
28 30 34372
29 30 15985
30 30 4899
31 24 9494
32 26 32646
33 25 8755
34 23 3557
35 22 4238
36 20 3188
37 20 2837
38 20 8792
39 19 10506
40 17 2378
41 16 6804
42 15 12895
43 14 3928
44 12 983
45 10 1702
46 7 230
47 51 7022
48 45 2346
49 43 952
50 36 13309
51 35 530
52 32 1830
53 32 2745
54 30 5179
55 25 1206
56 24 879
57 21 3474
58 23 2735
59 22 1480
60 22 5195
61 21 2684
62 21 1081
63 20 1107
64 19 1930
65 17 2472
66 15 6562
67 16 779
68 16 375
69 16 2315
70 13 468
71 12 822
72 12 653
73 11 621
74 11 314
75 10 6823
76 10 1723
77 10 482
78 10 1226
79 9 1078
80 9 754
81 8 279
82 8 1023
83 8 1374
84 8 625
85 7 664
86 7 135
87 5 193
88 5 459
89 5 519
90 5 731
91 4 777
92 3 240
93 3 462
94 3 378
95 2 35
96 2 125
97 2 842
98 2 622
99 2 314
100 2 287

alte playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular alte music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.