
Genre: ambient dub techno

Play genre

Ambient dub techno is a subgenre of electronic music that combines elements of dub, techno, and ambient music. It is characterized by its atmospheric and ethereal soundscapes, deep basslines, and minimalistic rhythms. The genre often features the use of delay and reverb effects, creating a sense of space and depth in the music. The music is often described as hypnotic and meditative, with a focus on creating a mood and atmosphere rather than a traditional song structure.

Most popular ambient dub techno artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ambient Dub Techno genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 175
2024 26
2023 69
2022 22
2021 22
2020 36
2010s 202
2019 28
2018 19
2017 20
2016 22
2015 23
2014 15
2013 28
2012 23
2011 13
2010 11
2000s 10
2009 2
2008 3
2007 2
2005 1
2002 1
2001 1
1970s 4
1970 4
391 releases

Popular ambient dub techno Songs

Top New ambient dub techno Songs of 2024

ambient dub techno music by decade

Explore ambient dub techno history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ambient dub techno artists

Here is a list of ambient dub techno artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ambient dub techno genre. You can find out what ambient dub techno genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 34 22569
2 31 9858
3 29 7828
4 27 3908
5 26 4658
6 26 6782
7 25 5215
8 24 1974
9 24 5882
10 23 1323
11 22 3761
12 21 9633
13 20 1398
14 19 1838
15 18 2974
16 16 806
17 18 3315
18 18 1484
19 18 4135
20 18 3742
21 17 1841
22 16 1963
23 15 2470
24 13 1063
25 14 2912
26 14 761
27 14 2610
28 13 1038
29 13 2135
30 13 2633
31 12 2139
32 13 2316
33 12 935
34 11 2287
35 11 707
36 11 1139
37 10 619
38 10 611
39 10 563
40 10 2650
41 9 432
42 9 520
43 7 1396
44 9 696
45 8 583
46 8 506
47 7 469
48 7 611
49 8 1207
50 8 282
51 8 575
52 8 645
53 8 472
54 8 940
55 7 630
56 7 408
57 7 547
58 7 489
59 7 787
60 7 1120
61 6 319
62 6 1125
63 6 699
64 5 672
65 6 647
66 6 1127
67 6 859
68 6 510
69 5 472
70 4 479
71 4 422
72 3 405
73 3 412
74 38 8811
75 27 5646
76 23 5950
77 17 213
78 15 1319
79 12 1786
80 12 1235
81 11 5091
82 10 895
83 10 188
84 9 927
85 8 296
86 7 240
87 7 372
88 6 293
89 6 641
90 6 674
91 6 310
92 5 370
93 4 597
94 4 689
95 4 431
96 3 163
97 3 213
98 3 299
99 3 869
100 3 294

ambient dub techno playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ambient dub techno music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.