
Genre: ambient idm

Play genre

Ambient IDM is a genre of electronic music that blends ambient textures and soundscapes with intricate, glitchy beats and rhythms. It often features a dreamy, ethereal quality that creates a sense of introspection and contemplation. The genre is characterized by its use of complex, layered sound design and a focus on intricate, detailed production techniques. It can be both introspective and energetic, with a focus on creating immersive sonic environments that transport the listener to otherworldly realms.

Most popular ambient idm artists

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Parent Genre: new age

Related genres

Instruments used

Vocals, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ambient Idm genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 151
2024 18
2023 39
2022 26
2021 24
2020 44
2010s 243
2019 18
2018 28
2017 23
2016 30
2015 22
2014 26
2013 21
2012 25
2011 27
2010 23
2000s 113
2009 21
2008 18
2007 17
2006 12
2005 7
2004 10
2003 8
2002 6
2001 9
2000 5
1990s 1
1997 1
508 releases

Popular ambient idm Songs

Top New ambient idm Songs of 2024

ambient idm music by decade

Explore ambient idm history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ambient idm artists

Here is a list of ambient idm artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ambient idm genre. You can find out what ambient idm genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 36 71051
2 31 9815
3 26 30881
4 46 60503
5 21 13301
6 24 8496
7 28 35740
8 47 168765
9 14 5783
10 12 5162
11 8 3672
12 43 73668
13 49 39789
14 25 9340
15 49 44852
16 44 83911
17 30 41989
18 31 28984
19 40 28008
20 32 18765
21 31 35076
22 6 3497
23 17 2051
24 35 2852
25 37 36585
26 14 3387
27 16 4373
28 36 1296
29 10 3186
30 34 22961
31 27 23177
32 11 3216
33 13 4805
34 30 6337
35 9 3682
36 23 7273
37 25 29530
38 5 3617
39 5 1022
40 3 1747
41 23 5260
42 1 960
43 22 2543
44 23 7844
45 23 3654
46 19 19909
47 21 3994
48 19 9721
49 17 3799
50 20 3533
51 18 7918
52 18 1084
53 18 1885
54 17 5313
55 16 1823
56 16 11091
57 14 735
58 11 2852
59 11 3082
60 11 1650
61 10 16
62 7 2110
63 8 2082
64 8 2909
65 5 2627
66 6 1497
67 5 3084
68 5 2707
69 4 2190
70 3 673
71 3 670
72 1 208
73 4 1175
74 4 1009
75 4 1491
76 3 3674
77 3 1856
78 1 1075
79 2 175
80 1 1036
81 1 141
82 1 192
83 1 220
84 1 496
85 1 335
86 1 668
87 1 1303
88 1 506
89 1 260

ambient idm playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ambient idm music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.