
Genre: ambient lo-fi

Play genre

Ambient lo-fi music is a genre characterized by its atmospheric and low-fidelity sound. It often incorporates elements of ambient music, creating a dreamy and immersive listening experience. The music typically features a mix of electronic and acoustic instruments, with a focus on creating a relaxed and introspective mood. The use of lo-fi production techniques adds a sense of warmth and nostalgia to the sound, giving the music a unique and intimate feel.

Most popular ambient lo-fi artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ambient Lo-fi genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1853
2024 298
2023 884
2022 474
2021 134
2020 63
2010s 100
2019 42
2018 35
2017 15
2016 5
2015 1
2013 1
2012 1
1953 releases

Popular ambient lo-fi Songs

Top New ambient lo-fi Songs of 2024

ambient lo-fi music by decade

Explore ambient lo-fi history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ambient lo-fi artists

Here is a list of ambient lo-fi artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ambient lo-fi genre. You can find out what ambient lo-fi genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 73 474039
2 71 64375
3 68 137457
4 68 178119
5 67 83838
6 66 32605
7 65 35857
8 63 22139
9 63 54945
10 62 30659
11 60 25885
12 60 38002
13 60 35374
14 59 51462
15 58 72456
16 58 6034
17 54 4782
18 54 8197
19 54 10154
20 54 4853
21 54 7309
22 54 23755
23 53 12969
24 53 6167
25 53 7112
26 52 12001
27 52 16543
28 52 6104
29 51 3267
30 51 9243
31 51 3428
32 51 5753
33 50 5319
34 50 6911
35 49 3903
36 47 16252
37 48 2794
38 45 9090
39 47 6958
40 47 15483
41 47 6790
42 47 4052
43 46 29984
44 46 5895
45 45 2538
46 45 8699
47 45 17111
48 44 10483
49 44 2429
50 41 9653
51 43 1194
52 43 5136
53 43 3680
54 42 1019
55 42 3046
56 42 2749
57 41 1725
58 41 837
59 40 2897
60 40 1827
61 40 1810
62 40 975
63 40 1474
64 39 1294
65 39 5087
66 39 19008
67 38 10677
68 38 941
69 38 1130
70 38 3604
71 37 772
72 37 968
73 37 3264
74 37 1158
75 36 2261
76 36 1206
77 35 2493
78 34 4040
79 34 1994
80 33 2009
81 33 648
82 33 712
83 32 576
84 32 1165
85 31 1098
86 31 1534
87 31 802
88 30 495
89 30 756
90 30 965
91 29 333
92 29 701
93 29 1799
94 29 972
95 29 1156
96 29 3752
97 29 803
98 28 661
99 28 996
100 27 1014

ambient lo-fi playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ambient lo-fi music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.