
Genre: ambient psychill

Play genre

Ambient psychill is a subgenre of electronic music that blends elements of ambient, psychedelic, and chillout music. It is characterized by its dreamy and ethereal soundscapes, often featuring atmospheric textures, soft melodies, and hypnotic rhythms. This genre is perfect for relaxation, meditation, and introspection, as it creates a calming and introspective atmosphere. The use of natural sounds and field recordings is also common in ambient psychill, adding to the immersive and organic feel of the music.

Most popular ambient psychill artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ambient Psychill genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 418
2024 50
2023 148
2022 83
2021 48
2020 89
2010s 433
2019 57
2018 57
2017 50
2016 56
2015 43
2014 50
2013 38
2012 40
2011 23
2010 19
2000s 84
2009 19
2008 15
2007 25
2006 12
2005 2
2004 5
2003 1
2002 3
2001 2
1990s 1
1999 1
936 releases

Popular ambient psychill Songs

Top New ambient psychill Songs of 2024

ambient psychill music by decade

Explore ambient psychill history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ambient psychill artists

Here is a list of ambient psychill artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ambient psychill genre. You can find out what ambient psychill genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 43 27284
2 37 7805
3 41 17863
4 33 12071
5 32 4625
6 39 29365
7 28 18511
8 36 34431
9 35 20164
10 34 13197
11 26 15845
12 26 9869
13 26 16072
14 34 23596
15 23 15367
16 33 3764
17 31 13395
18 23 10338
19 23 17461
20 23 9200
21 31 42046
22 31 14554
23 31 39778
24 31 5582
25 30 12627
26 21 3855
27 30 8833
28 27 10701
29 26 4016
30 28 2060
31 27 4975
32 18 8127
33 27 15307
34 27 2920
35 27 11425
36 27 5895
37 23 20288
38 26 3792
39 26 4770
40 26 7004
41 25 11762
42 25 8927
43 25 23800
44 23 4588
45 23 5609
46 25 5411
47 22 15442
48 24 9057
49 24 6510
50 24 7345
51 23 10426
52 23 6853
53 23 2176
54 23 9493
55 22 9293
56 22 7242
57 21 3707
58 21 8505
59 20 5617
60 18 9576
61 18 1818
62 17 8695
63 16 11728
64 16 2901
65 16 7961
66 16 3568
67 15 4508
68 15 4077
69 14 5980
70 14 2526
71 14 2199
72 13 3300
73 12 3223
74 11 2103
75 11 3685
76 11 4423
77 11 1933
78 11 2079
79 10 1079
80 23 6493
81 26 784
82 14 2383
83 21 4158
84 11 1433
85 17 2730
86 11 2152
87 18 2216
88 17 1974
89 17 2323
90 15 1405
91 13 829
92 13 701
93 12 1478
94 12 470
95 12 1463
96 12 2612
97 12 976
98 11 1057
99 11 1119
100 11 473

ambient psychill playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ambient psychill music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.