
Genre anatolian rock

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Anatolian rock is a vibrant and eclectic genre that emerged in Turkey during the late 1960s and 1970s, blending traditional Turkish folk music with elements of Western rock. It incorporates the use of traditional Middle Eastern instruments such as the saz and darbuka, alongside electric guitars and drums, creating a fusion of haunting melodies and psychedelic sounds. This genre often explores themes of cultural identity and social change, reflecting the unique crossroads of Eastern and Western influences in Turkey. With its rich, hypnotic rhythms and complex harmonies, Anatolian rock offers a distinct and soulful musical experience. (AI Generated)

Most popular anatolian rock artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Anatolian Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 951
2025 4
2024 148
2023 303
2022 192
2021 163
2020 141
2010s 862
2019 124
2018 110
2017 79
2016 83
2015 84
2014 106
2013 99
2012 55
2011 64
2010 58
2000s 551
2009 35
2008 52
2007 62
2006 73
2005 59
2004 75
2003 43
2002 52
2001 42
2000 58
1990s 382
1999 46
1998 58
1997 33
1996 31
1995 30
1994 31
1993 55
1992 35
1991 23
1990 40
1980s 235
1989 28
1988 16
1987 73
1986 34
1985 10
1984 10
1983 8
1982 17
1981 16
1980 23
1970s 333
1979 20
1978 20
1977 31
1976 39
1975 59
1974 47
1973 30
1972 31
1971 25
1970 31
1960s 70
1969 17
1968 27
1967 10
1966 5
1965 4
1964 2
1963 1
1962 2
1961 2
1950s 3
1959 1
1958 1
1955 1
1940s 1
1945 1
3388 releases

anatolian rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular anatolian rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular anatolian rock Songs

Top New anatolian rock Songs of 2024

anatolian rock music by decade

Explore anatolian rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of anatolian rock artists

Here is a list of anatolian rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the anatolian rock genre. You can find out what anatolian rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 757212
2 61 2798779
3 59 1386563
4 59 1088657
5 58 164054
6 57 1905474
7 45 553786
8 55 1185737
9 54 249164
10 53 1787
11 53 600905
12 52 182159
13 52 1571755
14 51 102426
15 50 348171
16 49 143954
17 49 267674
18 49 99705
19 49 616527
20 48 158509
21 47 423275
22 45 211578
23 44 5979
24 44 287829
25 43 118746
26 43 221343
27 43 111713
28 42 4475
29 42 21070
30 42 73186
31 41 57260
32 41 88868
33 41 1419
34 68 6304213
35 53 933492
36 65 1848030
37 63 2488202
38 62 1596056
39 61 2423990
40 61 2080571
41 61 490479
42 60 2345722
43 59 975277
44 60 1088970
45 43 10512
46 59 2629889
47 47 317827
48 59 1525112
49 56 1090287
50 56 973908
51 56 1323144
52 55 772008
53 55 766144
54 52 1157198
55 51 243723
56 48 350146
57 47 347728
58 47 829755
59 47 419703
60 47 801629
61 47 78427
62 47 341391
63 46 454289
64 46 471432
65 46 292749
66 46 119887
67 45 335832
68 54 3089414
69 44 50253
70 42 187918
71 42 203011
72 42 150048
73 41 244165
74 41 17079
75 55 1355018
76 50 1165372
77 65 6390341
78 43 75290
79 58 458373
80 40 102257
81 56 638556
82 52 769973
83 47 74708
84 46 131594
85 45 286155
86 43 861
87 45 476309
88 56 835800
89 55 363309
90 50 835133
91 51 471296
92 45 34410
93 47 365383
94 46 79520
95 46 192052
96 45 60336
97 42 140181
98 41 144549
99 41 3952
100 41 88656