
Genre: antiviral pop

Play genre

Antiviral pop music is a genre that combines catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms with lyrics that address themes of survival, hope, and resilience in the face of adversity. The songs in this genre often draw inspiration from popular culture, including video games, movies, and TV shows, and use metaphorical language to explore the human experience. With a focus on uplifting messages and positive energy, antiviral pop music is a genre that aims to inspire listeners and help them find strength and courage in difficult times.

Most popular antiviral pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Antiviral Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 789
2024 84
2023 180
2022 157
2021 211
2020 157
2010s 1198
2019 166
2018 125
2017 165
2016 149
2015 144
2014 126
2013 119
2012 120
2011 62
2010 22
2000s 22
2009 12
2008 5
2007 2
2005 2
2000 1
2009 releases

Popular antiviral pop Songs

Top New antiviral pop Songs of 2024

antiviral pop music by decade

Explore antiviral pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of antiviral pop artists

Here is a list of antiviral pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the antiviral pop genre. You can find out what antiviral pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 346234
2 59 328092
3 59 784892
4 51 435275
5 49 263874
6 46 207478
7 52 156880
8 44 219596
9 42 68777
10 41 102732
11 39 206101
12 47 90524
13 42 69224
14 45 49982
15 44 30442
16 44 95534
17 43 51815
18 41 156867
19 39 23684
20 39 99712
21 39 232147
22 38 21555
23 37 21411
24 37 44072
25 34 59175
26 33 11946
27 31 37504
28 30 19863
29 30 65156
30 58 430980
31 23 26138
32 23 35722
33 23 74990
34 52 255635
35 22 17528
36 62 370215
37 21 23690
38 19 10899
39 18 30916
40 17 22409
41 51 413075
42 16 20007
43 16 23188
44 15 7225
45 13 15775
46 47 243914
47 44 132683
48 6 3641
49 5 7914
50 43 93192
51 33 29477
52 42 36907
53 42 653160
54 40 58532
55 40 121657
56 39 74513
57 39 136197
58 37 172850
59 36 18077
60 36 14101
61 34 8520
62 33 18471
63 32 29260
64 30 29090
65 32 4251
66 31 14541
67 31 31851
68 30 23834
69 30 11982
70 28 7288
71 26 6997
72 21 8383
73 20 17234
74 19 23082
75 17 11649
76 17 10785
77 12 3047
78 11 9838
79 11 11626
80 11 663
81 9 8807
82 9 1673
83 4 1251
84 4 739
85 3 1621
86 1 674

antiviral pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular antiviral pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.