
Genre arabesque

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Arabesque music, a popular genre originating from Turkey, is known for its emotive melodies and rich storytelling. It often blends traditional Turkish folk music with elements of Middle Eastern and Western influences, creating a unique and diverse sound. The genre is characterized by its dramatic vocal performances and poignant, often melancholic, lyrics that explore themes of love, longing, and heartache. With its deep cultural roots, arabesque music holds a special place in the hearts of many, providing a musical expression of deep emotional experiences. (AI Generated)

Most popular arabesque artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Arabesque genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1908
2025 5
2024 275
2023 577
2022 491
2021 312
2020 248
2010s 736
2019 145
2018 100
2017 76
2016 79
2015 72
2014 83
2013 61
2012 42
2011 52
2010 26
2000s 401
2009 31
2008 48
2007 58
2006 44
2005 45
2004 44
2003 32
2002 32
2001 20
2000 47
1990s 289
1999 42
1998 44
1997 26
1996 17
1995 22
1994 27
1993 33
1992 19
1991 20
1990 39
1980s 138
1989 25
1988 16
1987 42
1986 25
1985 5
1984 5
1983 9
1982 3
1981 6
1980 2
1970s 76
1979 3
1978 4
1977 4
1976 11
1975 13
1974 10
1973 5
1972 11
1971 6
1970 9
1960s 16
1969 3
1968 7
1967 2
1966 2
1962 1
1961 1
1950s 3
1959 1
1958 1
1955 1
1930s 1
1938 1
3568 releases

arabesque playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular arabesque music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular arabesque Songs

Top New arabesque Songs of 2024

arabesque music by decade

Explore arabesque history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of arabesque artists

Here is a list of arabesque artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the arabesque genre. You can find out what arabesque genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 179483
2 39 13298
3 39 145654
4 31 17083
5 33 1471
6 25 550
7 30 798
8 27 25852
9 27 5575
10 35 32163
11 38 13
12 45 476309
13 37 28091
14 28 4452
15 36 89200
16 36 31484
17 65 1221965
18 34 44470
19 34 18227
20 32 1061
21 32 29239
22 23 6873
23 41 130523
24 30 953
25 31 61357
26 30 2732
27 40 199086
28 39 195121
29 50 835133
30 29 1430
31 30 11448
32 44 237653
33 44 149980
34 28 8126
35 37 19169
36 27 6617
37 27 18348
38 25 271
39 25 863
40 34 3104
41 45 34410
42 23 775
43 23 5479
44 23 1566
45 23 4401
46 32 3678
47 51 8445
48 28 2674
49 29 158
50 29 495
51 26 10506
52 32 77929
53 42 8225
54 30 11346
55 30 640
56 43 35
57 34 17572
58 22 228
59 39 681
60 38 85111
61 37 37993
62 37 12011
63 37 11879
64 23 2495
65 23 4322
66 37 8208
67 22 936
68 34 4983
69 34 98709
70 34 5976
71 34 1406
72 33 13288
73 32 1677
74 32 14494
75 30 403
76 30 8745
77 30 2572
78 29 2976
79 29 5802
80 29 1135
81 28 253
82 28 9592
83 28 39
84 27 679
85 26 1297
86 27 6524
87 26 83
88 26 812
89 26 1462
90 25 347
91 25 1972
92 24 8210
93 24 6054
94 24 7183
95 23 1796
96 23 2446
97 23 9247
98 23 200
99 22 54
100 22 5220