
Genre arena rock

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Arena rock, also known as stadium rock, is a style of rock music that emerged in the 1970s, characterized by its grandiose sound and designed to captivate large audiences in massive venues. It typically features anthemic choruses, powerful guitar riffs, and dramatic stage performances with elaborate light shows and pyrotechnics. This genre often combines elements of hard rock and glam rock, emphasizing musical accessibility and emotive power to inspire collective participation. (AI Generated)

Most popular arena rock artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Arena Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1327
2025 6
2024 243
2023 500
2022 257
2021 167
2020 154
2010s 902
2019 147
2018 105
2017 104
2016 95
2015 84
2014 77
2013 68
2012 80
2011 70
2010 72
2000s 354
2009 55
2008 53
2007 45
2006 42
2005 34
2004 24
2003 37
2002 23
2001 19
2000 22
1990s 315
1999 19
1998 18
1997 18
1996 14
1995 22
1994 27
1993 33
1992 53
1991 50
1990 61
1980s 455
1989 62
1988 43
1987 45
1986 50
1985 64
1984 43
1983 40
1982 41
1981 28
1980 39
1970s 72
1979 26
1978 18
1977 13
1976 9
1975 1
1974 2
1973 1
1972 1
1970 1
3425 releases

arena rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular arena rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular arena rock Songs

Top New arena rock Songs of 2024

arena rock music by decade

Explore arena rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of arena rock artists

Here is a list of arena rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the arena rock genre. You can find out what arena rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 42 81803
2 48 530349
3 40 55921
4 40 224390
5 40 187261
6 37 73840
7 37 25698
8 30 15480
9 36 58856
10 35 144537
11 38 89852
12 34 18712
13 33 34213
14 33 45602
15 30 52556
16 50 754022
17 31 36358
18 30 44088
19 29 41181
20 29 34113
21 29 31579
22 29 8094
23 41 57784
24 41 134748
25 37 116309
26 37 33948
27 29 69539
28 34 44898
29 32 32436
30 32 11924
31 30 41934
32 29 5186
33 29 13501
34 44 76971
35 30 13764
36 38 65474
37 35 34891
38 37 102015
39 32 16617
40 32 8936
41 29 27821
42 29 7267
43 36 5343
44 44 128127
45 29 116578
46 45 501462
47 34 14249
48 39 73038
49 40 126822
50 34 78736
51 33 11382
52 32 31607
53 36 202241
54 35 11693
55 32 18910
56 29 37549
57 29 17930
58 29 12265
59 29 58334
60 33 54860
61 32 13666
62 35 26925
63 54 657552
64 32 26656
65 39 96263
66 41 64953
67 40 129525
68 40 35631
69 39 26419
70 37 9672
71 33 19965
72 35 37730
73 35 66100
74 29 34191
75 32 26649
76 33 14954
77 33 18831
78 32 1157
79 32 43610
80 32 45256
81 32 17304
82 30 15526
83 29 13602
84 29 6645
85 31 22651
86 30 6053
87 30 8034
88 30 14008
89 30 7688
90 29 9373
91 29 11072
92 42 63633
93 53 109162
94 34 14579
95 43 16944
96 55 288343
97 32 21031
98 32 4366
99 32 9529
100 29 4111