
Genre: argentine telepop

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

Argentine telepop is a genre of music that combines elements of pop, electronic, and folk music. It is characterized by upbeat rhythms, catchy melodies, and lyrics that often deal with love, relationships, and personal growth. The genre has gained popularity in recent years and has produced several successful artists who have achieved mainstream success both in Argentina and internationally.

Most popular argentine telepop artists

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Popular argentine telepop Songs

argentine telepop music by decade

Explore argentine telepop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of argentine telepop artists

Here is a list of argentine telepop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the argentine telepop genre. You can find out what argentine telepop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 3362073
2 61 1881291
3 53 248579
4 65 828065
5 64 499761
6 61 177397
7 62 2102144
8 52 115580
9 50 235712
10 49 74160
11 54 1501482
12 54 360505
13 57 233355
14 53 445876
15 50 225034
16 51 285211
17 40 210910
18 45 128022
19 35 35711
20 35 45627
21 33 68017
22 35 81655
23 38 23930
24 35 48572
25 37 53304
26 24 22779
27 33 41621
28 33 7252
29 32 6105
30 32 3226
31 30 57919
32 28 17205
33 28 258865
34 24 9253
35 22 26482
36 25 14207
37 24 4031
38 21 18216
39 23 9043
40 21 8932
41 21 27146
42 7 56631
43 19 12576
44 19 12909
45 19 22511
46 18 1783
47 16 8705
48 16 20598
49 13 3978
50 12 699
51 12 2218
52 10 2265
53 10 1304
54 9 3794
55 8 2042
56 7 13726
57 5 5207
58 4 7008
59 4 751
60 3 4501
61 3 187
62 3 989
63 3 445
64 3 2834
65 2 1660
66 1 169
67 1 11814
68 1 172

argentine telepop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular argentine telepop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.