
Genre argentine trap

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Argentine trap music is a vibrant and evolving genre that blends traditional Latin rhythms with contemporary hip-hop and electronic beats. Characterized by its raw and expressive lyrics, it often explores themes of urban life, personal struggles, and social issues. The genre's dynamic soundscape, infused with catchy melodies and innovative production techniques, has resonated with a youthful audience, contributing to its growing popularity both in Argentina and internationally. (AI Generated)

Most popular argentine trap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Argentine Trap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1980
2025 5
2024 371
2023 544
2022 404
2021 309
2020 347
2010s 766
2019 374
2018 248
2017 100
2016 29
2015 9
2014 3
2013 1
2012 1
2010 1
2000s 7
2008 1
2007 1
2005 1
2002 2
2000 2
1990s 1
1999 1
1950s 1
1959 1
2755 releases

argentine trap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular argentine trap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular argentine trap Songs

Top New argentine trap Songs of 2024

argentine trap music by decade

Explore argentine trap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of argentine trap artists

Here is a list of argentine trap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the argentine trap genre. You can find out what argentine trap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 76 7551640
2 67 98450
3 61 447434
4 81 12074938
5 63 1363539
6 62 567304
7 71 5998158
8 75 5998275
9 72 3529747
10 71 2331517
11 47 226557
12 60 1445843
13 69 2965540
14 45 279996
15 67 1562104
16 66 1448525
17 64 909060
18 59 487692
19 62 882062
20 60 73746
21 60 485808
22 59 50872
23 59 30887
24 58 241547
25 55 31506
26 54 33492
27 54 79159
28 54 524972
29 54 387740
30 53 10524
31 80 17468328
32 70 1540360
33 77 3226800
34 51 799986
35 50 179334
36 49 67980
37 48 118175
38 47 40836
39 47 57218
40 47 40116
41 47 171337
42 76 24853517
43 45 45905
44 45 255771
45 45 13007
46 60 737618
47 77 2232972
48 77 5608659
49 80 6223025
50 78 7511447
51 78 4197373
52 77 8694979
53 52 6764
54 71 746989
55 76 8181667
56 50 12640
57 49 41305
58 47 140873
59 65 1045074
60 67 1855634
61 67 102462
62 54 246702
63 67 4617258
64 66 1652265
65 63 213433
66 63 236721
67 63 239950
68 56 266464
69 56 262114
70 56 56975
71 51 146649
72 55 231903
73 49 363995
74 54 182576
75 53 798212
76 47 75875
77 51 171131
78 51 114332
79 51 26611
80 51 395976
81 50 22522
82 50 64181
83 50 491045
84 49 5955
85 47 7204
86 49 39586
87 49 263065
88 49 1730
89 48 23417
90 47 150023
91 47 31207
92 47 14423
93 46 16674
94 46 14281
95 46 420064
96 46 65258
97 45 113482
98 46 3047
99 45 1338
100 45 14050