
Genre: avant-garde jazz

Play genre

Parent Genre: jazz

Avant-garde jazz is a genre that pushes the boundaries of traditional jazz music by incorporating experimental techniques and unconventional sounds. It often features complex rhythms and dissonant harmonies, as well as improvisation and free-form structures. This genre is characterized by its willingness to break away from established norms and explore new sonic territories.

Most popular avant-garde jazz artists

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Related instruments

Piano, Guitar, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Harp, Violin, Drum Kit, Clarinet, Double Bass, Electric Guitar, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Flute, French Horn, Oboe, Cello

Popular avant-garde jazz Songs

Top New avant-garde jazz Songs of 2024

Most popular avant-garde jazz albums

Ptah The El Daoud
DJ-Kicks (Motor City Drum Ensemble) [DJ Mix]
Dream Box
The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
The Bowie Variations
Breath Of Life
My Name Is Albert Ayler
The Shape Of Jazz To Come
Made Possible
Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!
Out To Lunch (The Rudy Van Gelder Edition)
Love Is Not in Your Mind
Don Cherry

avant-garde jazz music by decade

Explore avant-garde jazz history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of avant-garde jazz artists

Here is a list of avant-garde jazz artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the avant-garde jazz genre. You can find out what avant-garde jazz genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 156241
2 48 458030
3 41 88104
4 34 130577
5 16 8049
6 18 15963
7 19 29524
8 42 191806
9 34 77211
10 14 1751
11 28 10302
12 32 87509
13 46 188314
14 9 2045
15 22 2174
16 28 37350
17 7 3211
18 9 2641
19 8 1852
20 7 1849
21 6 3986
22 7 1420
23 15 1905
24 7 2268
25 25 4423
26 12 1031
27 23 26651
28 32 59350
29 23 33497
30 11 2038
31 14 2325
32 18 2431
33 20 11458
34 16 5193
35 14 4510
36 16 9153
37 14 9432
38 26 10937
39 23 17937
40 20 32397
41 8 3547
42 16 12229
43 14 4147
44 14 8190
45 13 1970
46 20 3030
47 10 4925
48 9 11395
49 8 1934
50 18 2901
51 10 3174
52 6 2879
53 8 5647
54 20 19338
55 6 5121
56 6 3304
57 9 5078
58 4 2518
59 6 1109
60 16 6237
61 6 4141
62 19 8262
63 9 2312
64 16 15116
65 13 7363
66 18 11896
67 12 5669
68 4 1743
69 14 6318
70 13 6936
71 12 3296
72 12 2221
73 7 952
74 6 1306
75 5 1407
76 5 1386
77 52 351381
78 29 20296
79 34 96332
80 22 18905
81 21 1055
82 36 20181
83 15 3801
84 10 0
85 26 2666
86 5 474
87 15 1878
88 26 2551
89 5 280
90 19 3355
91 16 2517
92 16 20696
93 11 888
94 11 4618
95 6 974
96 5 1882
97 4 301
98 4 992
99 4 966
100 4 622

avant-garde jazz playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular avant-garde jazz music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.