
Genre bachata pop

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Bachata pop music is a vibrant fusion that blends the traditional rhythms of bachata with modern pop elements, creating a catchy and danceable sound. Characterized by its romantic themes and melodic guitar riffs, this genre often incorporates contemporary production techniques, making it appealing to a broad audience. Its infectious beats and heartfelt lyrics make bachata pop a favorite choice for both dance floors and casual listening. (AI Generated)

Most popular bachata pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Bachata Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 852
2025 1
2024 131
2023 260
2022 176
2021 139
2020 145
2010s 609
2019 146
2018 111
2017 88
2016 60
2015 61
2014 45
2013 30
2012 26
2011 19
2010 23
2000s 104
2009 14
2008 16
2007 11
2006 11
2005 9
2004 11
2003 10
2002 9
2001 4
2000 9
1990s 43
1999 8
1998 6
1997 13
1996 2
1995 5
1994 2
1993 3
1992 2
1991 1
1990 1
1980s 3
1983 1
1980 2
1970s 1
1970 1
1612 releases

bachata pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular bachata pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular bachata pop Songs

Top New bachata pop Songs of 2024

bachata pop music by decade

Explore bachata pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of bachata pop artists

Here is a list of bachata pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the bachata pop genre. You can find out what bachata pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 84 24379936
2 75 8287839
3 78 9563202
4 59 1001617
5 51 65402
6 51 160163
7 56 913973
8 61 12318
9 49 138111
10 54 345867
11 47 7679
12 50 353307
13 54 534961
14 53 14607
15 53 23815
16 46 285652
17 43 31640
18 43 23856
19 50 4923
20 50 61684
21 50 686844
22 44 14068
23 49 17720
24 49 5290
25 48 3965
26 48 36379
27 48 7947
28 47 8808
29 47 2307
30 46 15632
31 39 4347
32 45 10792
33 45 34875
34 45 46370
35 45 8714
36 45 29869
37 45 5362
38 44 5188
39 43 4792
40 43 1527
41 41 56299
42 41 22862
43 40 274827
44 40 4135
45 40 2685
46 40 12373
47 40 2491
48 33 4987
49 37 12391
50 38 18582
51 39 3734
52 38 51138
53 38 10824
54 38 1161
55 38 13488
56 37 5005
57 37 3741
58 37 2397
59 36 4615
60 36 59453
61 36 1977
62 36 54350
63 35 8681
64 35 30123
65 35 2525
66 35 27831
67 35 5433
68 28 1923
69 31 3622
70 35 11285
71 34 10090
72 34 585
73 34 3854
74 34 681
75 34 2076
76 33 1581
77 33 56529
78 32 24723
79 32 2510
80 32 2633
81 32 6629
82 32 45349
83 32 2496
84 31 4070
85 31 5432
86 31 1787
87 30 13197
88 30 226
89 29 202023
90 29 3283
91 28 328
92 28 519
93 26 1619
94 28 1471
95 28 6764
96 27 2589
97 26 678
98 43 7640
99 28 4452
100 27 9479