
Genre: baltimore hip hop

Play genre

Parent Genre: Hip Hop

Baltimore hip hop is a subgenre of rap music that originated in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. It is characterized by its heavy use of trap beats, aggressive lyrics, and unique slang. The style often incorporates elements of club music and dancehall, creating a high-energy sound that is popular in the city's club scene. Baltimore hip hop has gained attention in recent years thanks to a new wave of young artists who are bringing their own unique style to the genre.

Most popular baltimore hip hop artists

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Popular baltimore hip hop Songs

Top New baltimore hip hop Songs of 2024

baltimore hip hop music by decade

Explore baltimore hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of baltimore hip hop artists

Here is a list of baltimore hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the baltimore hip hop genre. You can find out what baltimore hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 237028
2 55 321095
3 45 20251
4 36 19437
5 35 7826
6 35 10039
7 35 9828
8 34 19969
9 28 13830
10 32 4719
11 31 28917
12 31 3199
13 30 37399
14 29 820
15 28 7412
16 28 29241
17 28 12600
18 27 1430
19 27 14501
20 26 1072
21 26 21166
22 25 12100
23 25 4242
24 25 5220
25 24 1583
26 24 6220
27 23 13997
28 23 3439
29 22 3915
30 21 4824
31 21 1167
32 20 825
33 20 5149
34 20 2190
35 19 12319
36 19 1393
37 18 11030
38 18 826
39 18 10819
40 18 1280
41 18 1347
42 16 3432
43 16 4467
44 15 962
45 14 1080
46 14 2211
47 14 721
48 14 3854
49 13 3688
50 13 1448
51 13 973
52 13 1632
53 13 1242
54 12 1105
55 12 603
56 11 1839
57 11 542
58 10 1418
59 9 455
60 9 383
61 8 283
62 8 876
63 8 6810
64 8 3110
65 8 433
66 8 758
67 8 2301
68 7 1055
69 7 264
70 6 901
71 6 1729
72 6 508
73 6 315
74 6 228
75 6 997
76 6 5607
77 5 4435
78 4 759
79 4 366
80 4 622
81 4 245
82 4 1103
83 4 201
84 4 147
85 3 227
86 3 1755
87 3 279
88 3 114
89 3 2886
90 2 271
91 2 171
92 2 578
93 2 404
94 2 313
95 2 1905
96 2 183
97 2 1062
98 2 251
99 2 1397
100 2 1326

baltimore hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular baltimore hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.