
Genre: barbershop

Play genre

Barbershop music is a style of a cappella singing that originated in the United States in the late 19th century. It is characterized by four-part harmony, with the melody sung by the lead, harmonies by the tenor and baritone, and a bass line. The genre is known for its tight harmonies, intricate arrangements, and upbeat tempo. It often features songs from the early 20th century, such as Tin Pan Alley and Broadway tunes. Barbershop music has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years, with contemporary groups putting their own spin on the classic sound.

Most popular barbershop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Barbershop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 18
2023 3
2022 6
2021 6
2020 3
2010s 77
2019 5
2018 2
2017 7
2016 7
2015 8
2014 9
2013 7
2012 11
2011 14
2010 7
2000s 74
2009 3
2008 30
2007 17
2006 9
2005 2
2004 3
2003 2
2002 4
2000 4
1990s 9
1997 1
1996 4
1994 1
1992 3
1980s 2
1989 1
1986 1
1960s 1
1965 1
1950s 1
1958 1
182 releases

Popular barbershop Songs

barbershop music by decade

Explore barbershop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of barbershop artists

Here is a list of barbershop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the barbershop genre. You can find out what barbershop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 41 65318
2 41 79724
3 22 6017
4 24 7274
5 23 9363
6 23 2121
7 20 2182
8 19 2026
9 19 504
10 18 2573
11 17 1345
12 16 1355
13 16 2358
14 15 2298
15 15 1916
16 14 399
17 14 1383
18 14 1257
19 13 2686
20 13 1218
21 13 1074
22 10 2832
23 12 566
24 12 824
25 12 2348
26 11 1459
27 11 419
28 11 1790
29 10 114
30 10 358
31 10 1175
32 9 281
33 9 400
34 8 693
35 8 670
36 7 1111
37 7 640
38 7 137
39 7 517
40 6 1220
41 6 163
42 5 571
43 5 638
44 4 193
45 4 624
46 4 80
47 4 401
48 4 436
49 4 76
50 4 440
51 3 398
52 3 282
53 3 194
54 3 200
55 3 223
56 3 689
57 3 154
58 2 2864
59 2 112
60 2 2399
61 2 427
62 2 52
63 2 252
64 2 321
65 2 169
66 2 266
67 2 202
68 2 88
69 2 327
70 2 119
71 2 292
72 2 378
73 1 100
74 1 151
75 1 1467
76 1 184
77 1 414
78 1 160
79 1 340
80 1 151
81 1 177
82 1 128
83 1 72
84 1 172
85 1 173
86 1 76
87 1 162
88 1 473
89 1 99
90 1 135
91 1 253
92 1 115

barbershop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular barbershop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.