
Genre: bass trap

Play genre

Parent Genre: Hip Hop

Bass trap is a subgenre of electronic dance music that features heavy basslines, trap-style beats, and often incorporates elements of dubstep and hip-hop. The music is characterized by its intense energy and focus on the low-end frequencies, creating a powerful and immersive listening experience. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists experimenting with different styles and incorporating unique sounds to create their own signature sound.

Most popular bass trap artists

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Popular bass trap Songs

Top New bass trap Songs of 2024

bass trap music by decade

Explore bass trap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

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List of bass trap artists

Here is a list of bass trap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the bass trap genre. You can find out what bass trap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 53 220105
2 48 79377
3 46 75567
4 42 33480
5 66 212864
6 52 59301
7 66 1052836
8 40 31783
9 41 39418
10 47 27399
11 60 358751
12 39 45768
13 45 86978
14 56 202818
15 31 34454
16 41 13904
17 45 103672
18 28 28120
19 40 18914
20 46 11976
21 47 209105
22 50 175412
23 49 35579
24 34 32905
25 34 40984
26 34 8283
27 49 6251
28 46 20268
29 32 26558
30 48 37588
31 47 37425
32 34 26359
33 46 61781
34 46 45584
35 43 23803
36 43 82963
37 44 3791
38 43 8746
39 37 24101
40 42 22244
41 42 20123
42 30 30655
43 38 131109
44 40 47849
45 25 21049
46 39 96959
47 27 15168
48 39 7693
49 38 19602
50 37 6990
51 25 19668
52 35 22347
53 34 3966
54 33 83382
55 32 11306
56 31 32268
57 29 38274
58 31 43816
59 30 14058
60 29 22634
61 28 1225
62 28 1463
63 27 6033
64 15 6052
65 21 11939
66 20 3773
67 19 3998
68 19 4298
69 19 5176
70 18 5070
71 17 3488
72 17 3354
73 16 4249
74 16 10508
75 15 2024
76 14 1995
77 14 1631
78 11 1944
79 13 274197
80 12 8196
81 12 2143
82 11 5597
83 11 975
84 10 18851
85 10 2522
86 5 449
87 2 232
88 1 408

bass trap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular bass trap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.