
Genre: belarusian indie

Play genre

Belarusian indie music is a genre that blends post-punk, new wave, and electronic music with lyrics that often touch on themes of social commentary and personal introspection. The music is characterized by its raw, lo-fi sound and melancholic melodies that evoke a sense of nostalgia. The genre has gained popularity in recent years thanks to the rise of bands such as Molchat Doma, Lyapis Trubetskoy, and saypink!, who have helped to put Belarusian indie music on the map.

Most popular belarusian indie artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Belarusian Indie genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 226
2024 15
2023 45
2022 55
2021 46
2020 65
2010s 169
2019 45
2018 23
2017 29
2016 13
2015 27
2014 13
2013 5
2012 7
2011 6
2010 1
2000s 30
2009 6
2008 3
2007 3
2006 3
2005 3
2004 6
2003 1
2002 2
2001 2
2000 1
1990s 5
1999 1
1998 3
1996 1
430 releases

Popular belarusian indie Songs

Top New belarusian indie Songs of 2024

belarusian indie music by decade

Explore belarusian indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of belarusian indie artists

Here is a list of belarusian indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the belarusian indie genre. You can find out what belarusian indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 64 1349621
2 45 283436
3 36 90220
4 50 35398
5 42 66718
6 42 26686
7 38 81080
8 40 30618
9 31 9190
10 21 5057
11 34 24018
12 34 35951
13 31 6940
14 27 22327
15 26 28773
16 20 6002
17 18 3249
18 24 10107
19 26 11390
20 25 1540
21 25 5037
22 18 12456
23 22 10234
24 21 6521
25 19 13510
26 19 5193
27 17 1413
28 17 5182
29 7 1445
30 16 1586
31 4 1420
32 13 2421
33 13 1503
34 13 2298
35 12 543
36 12 1560
37 11 1956
38 11 1756
39 2 933
40 10 1039
41 9 513
42 8 886
43 8 654
44 7 1474
45 7 920
46 5 424
47 5 1474
48 1 161
49 5 1352
50 4 1291
51 4 602
52 4 421
53 4 1961
54 4 100
55 4 807
56 4 1051
57 4 685
58 3 1386
59 4 287
60 3 557
61 3 325
62 3 204
63 3 598
64 2 452
65 2 301
66 2 744
67 2 1148
68 2 171
69 1 251
70 1 147
71 1 276
72 1 203
73 1 370
74 1 51
75 1 84
76 1 143
77 1 1380
78 1 99
79 1 253
80 1 162
81 1 131
82 1 766

belarusian indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular belarusian indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.