
Genre bollywood

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Bollywood music is a vibrant and diverse blend of Indian musical traditions and contemporary sounds, often featured in Hindi-language films. Characterized by its catchy melodies, rhythmic beats, and rich orchestration, it seamlessly incorporates elements from classical, folk, and modern genres. Lyrically, Bollywood music explores themes ranging from romance and heartbreak to celebration and social issues, capturing the ethos of everyday life with emotional depth and universal appeal. (AI Generated)

Most popular bollywood artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Bollywood genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 3539
2025 11
2024 494
2023 965
2022 810
2021 622
2020 637
2010s 2938
2019 478
2018 515
2017 364
2016 344
2015 243
2014 235
2013 259
2012 213
2011 151
2010 136
2000s 1206
2009 207
2008 145
2007 99
2006 116
2005 99
2004 129
2003 99
2002 112
2001 99
2000 101
1990s 615
1999 90
1998 69
1997 66
1996 57
1995 52
1994 63
1993 81
1992 61
1991 47
1990 29
1980s 257
1989 37
1988 27
1987 32
1986 29
1985 25
1984 12
1983 21
1982 23
1981 33
1980 18
1970s 148
1979 14
1978 15
1977 13
1976 12
1975 14
1974 18
1973 17
1972 10
1971 17
1970 18
1960s 173
1969 19
1968 18
1967 11
1966 16
1965 26
1964 23
1963 16
1962 10
1961 12
1960 22
1950s 48
1959 6
1958 8
1957 5
1956 5
1955 5
1954 4
1953 8
1952 3
1951 2
1950 2
1940s 10
1949 3
1948 2
1947 1
1946 1
1944 1
1942 1
1941 1
1900s 2
1905 2
8936 releases

bollywood playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular bollywood music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular bollywood Songs

Top New bollywood Songs of 2024

bollywood music by decade

Explore bollywood history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of bollywood artists

Here is a list of bollywood artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the bollywood genre. You can find out what bollywood genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 87 45987469
2 83 28565208
3 79 32219119
4 75 11599758
5 73 11644823
6 89 135389385
7 78 24907414
8 73 5840410
9 68 2410292
10 67 3178977
11 74 24691020
12 76 20078526
13 67 203992
14 73 48142692
15 67 21008201
16 71 4082077
17 79 2093391
18 75 27920604
19 65 8994704
20 65 3881880
21 78 11437594
22 75 24758709
23 69 8546885
24 79 59187316
25 77 4799006
26 75 17083784
27 75 2709821
28 72 473718
29 72 11930969
30 71 413201
31 71 818489
32 70 4569744
33 67 9834494
34 67 1326159
35 73 430703
36 74 19829540
37 80 4795016
38 72 3759154
39 65 3258178
40 75 11699049
41 67 3527538
42 68 3412278
43 72 6830587
44 73 9679020
45 69 320267
46 73 873020
47 70 467017
48 70 737344
49 67 4630040
50 70 1486755
51 65 491682
52 73 2957203
53 71 7132591
54 80 17453180
55 79 17832274
56 68 343729
57 77 20224894
58 66 1228616
59 73 9956539
60 73 11135389
61 72 1331238
62 71 4888693
63 70 176057
64 70 4207140
65 69 827201
66 68 393832
67 68 2520146
68 68 11430733
69 68 14164445
70 68 852371
71 66 198287
72 65 436853
73 69 8524283
74 72 12654253
75 70 6445546
76 76 19488248
77 68 2081545
78 70 8791538
79 72 2343394
80 75 14348215
81 71 1404247
82 71 2109567
83 73 5216614
84 66 728716
85 67 99622
86 72 22960293
87 70 8829852
88 71 99921
89 68 1641218
90 76 18362911
91 76 6996970
92 65 423699
93 66 206060
94 70 5212759
95 78 29177595
96 66 1054391
97 66 195548
98 65 5760760
99 65 4397305
100 69 1368436