
Genre: bongo flava

Play genre

Bongo Flava is a popular music genre originating from Tanzania, characterized by a fusion of traditional African rhythms, hip hop, and R&B. It is known for its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and lyrics that often touch on themes of love, relationships, and social issues. The genre has gained popularity across Africa and beyond, with its artists being recognized for their unique sound and style.

Most popular bongo flava artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Bongo Flava genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 329
2024 29
2023 108
2022 59
2021 55
2020 78
2010s 427
2019 75
2018 89
2017 74
2016 41
2015 47
2014 39
2013 22
2012 15
2011 12
2010 13
2000s 49
2009 11
2008 12
2007 4
2006 4
2005 6
2004 3
2003 4
2002 4
2001 1
805 releases

Popular bongo flava Songs

Top New bongo flava Songs of 2024

bongo flava music by decade

Explore bongo flava history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of bongo flava artists

Here is a list of bongo flava artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the bongo flava genre. You can find out what bongo flava genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 1205728
2 52 592688
3 51 545258
4 47 200613
5 42 188500
6 48 447163
7 38 83899
8 47 496914
9 42 307342
10 34 85959
11 34 195231
12 40 93661
13 38 157754
14 28 40856
15 36 101755
16 34 104123
17 34 55038
18 34 76600
19 31 37037
20 30 120854
21 58 726624
22 49 413713
23 19 37178
24 15 13180
25 24 26863
26 21 3195
27 21 10802
28 50 365861
29 45 400202
30 20 7409
31 17 3216
32 17 4263
33 16 5382
34 29 35050
35 14 1969
36 14 2454
37 13 2119
38 28 61111
39 33 42621
40 40 129693
41 29 24929
42 36 82367
43 32 10322
44 26 25649
45 22 10652
46 32 6660
47 30 25368
48 29 35110
49 22 655
50 29 1176
51 19 1773
52 17 14427
53 26 18691
54 26 6486
55 26 10589
56 16 5383
57 23 12166
58 22 7209
59 14 5875
60 22 12970
61 21 9947
62 20 1293
63 20 12412
64 10 6032
65 18 826
66 18 11772
67 17 936
68 16 9743
69 16 954
70 14 6037
71 13 8730
72 12 1003
73 12 1839
74 11 2924
75 8 1848
76 8 1809
77 7 2715
78 6 849
79 6 87
80 6 397
81 5 5645
82 5 1527
83 4 99
84 4 4277
85 4 2357
86 3 107
87 3 157
88 2 1929
89 2 553
90 1 1486
91 1 2658

bongo flava playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular bongo flava music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.