
Genre: bow pop

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

This genre of pop music combines classical elements with modern electronic beats and instrumentation. It often features sweeping melodies and emotional themes, with a focus on creating a cinematic and atmospheric sound. The use of string instruments, piano, and electronic effects is common. The artists in this genre are known for their innovative and experimental approach to music, blending genres and pushing boundaries.

Most popular bow pop artists

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bow pop music by decade

Explore bow pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of bow pop artists

Here is a list of bow pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the bow pop genre. You can find out what bow pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 65 2209503
2 62 1297010
3 61 684106
4 56 251296
5 52 483524
6 57 1046805
7 49 191197
8 50 45525
9 42 132656
10 51 34669
11 43 45790
12 42 63419
13 48 47802
14 48 191235
15 45 61906
16 35 100754
17 42 19891
18 35 59488
19 41 89790
20 42 39476
21 41 19924
22 41 35386
23 39 26008
24 39 10298
25 38 41987
26 39 16570
27 38 7283
28 37 3455
29 35 26848
30 34 3050
31 32 36828
32 32 6925
33 27 13887
34 31 19396
35 30 42086
36 30 1393
37 30 4878
38 28 10610
39 28 6094
40 27 1665
41 27 2082
42 27 699
43 26 9551
44 25 1811
45 23 7513
46 19 11750
47 19 7981
48 14 792
49 13 3543
50 13 1970
51 9 1781
52 6 733
53 5 322
54 4 105
55 4 340
56 4 2159
57 3 317
58 3 136
59 2 832
60 2 450
61 2 509
62 1 326
63 1 696
64 1 267
65 1 126
66 1 339

bow pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular bow pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.