
Genre brazilian funk

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Brazilian funk is a vibrant and energetic music genre that originated in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. It blends a variety of influences, including Afro-Brazilian rhythms, electronic beats, and hip-hop elements, creating a distinctive sound characterized by catchy hooks and pulsating bass lines. Known for its lively and often provocative lyrics, Brazilian funk frequently addresses social issues, partying, and everyday life, resonating with a wide audience both in Brazil and internationally. (AI Generated)

Most popular brazilian funk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Brazilian Funk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 5518
2025 5
2024 950
2023 2144
2022 1015
2021 856
2020 548
2010s 1556
2019 491
2018 402
2017 346
2016 156
2015 78
2014 50
2013 16
2012 12
2011 3
2010 2
2000s 20
2009 2
2008 1
2007 3
2006 1
2004 2
2003 1
2001 1
2000 9
1990s 5
1999 1
1998 1
1997 1
1995 1
1993 1
1980s 1
1989 1
7100 releases

brazilian funk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular brazilian funk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular brazilian funk Songs

Top New brazilian funk Songs of 2024

brazilian funk music by decade

Explore brazilian funk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of brazilian funk artists

Here is a list of brazilian funk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the brazilian funk genre. You can find out what brazilian funk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 78 1554014
2 75 165393
3 73 5733253
4 61 275473
5 81 6626288
6 67 745435
7 72 2844315
8 63 500307
9 58 80891
10 60 844544
11 59 82568
12 77 8285029
13 64 334259
14 65 487070
15 75 5219570
16 58 78729
17 68 6653550
18 68 149627
19 69 3055155
20 72 9612959
21 71 1623581
22 58 19626
23 69 367043
24 64 44451
25 68 3974460
26 63 99050
27 64 172594
28 68 2272388
29 62 48795
30 65 148519
31 65 351696
32 65 124618
33 73 1158904
34 60 26709
35 72 7595824
36 63 729417
37 63 319173
38 62 50186
39 58 302128
40 62 1079314
41 61 142189
42 69 9810
43 62 2155147
44 61 48541
45 69 170089
46 59 17367
47 59 40750
48 60 271576
49 58 96469
50 58 51377
51 58 615864
52 58 161601
53 57 47047
54 57 31625
55 67 772507
56 61 62625
57 63 1037423
58 58 105894
59 61 482447
60 70 217896
61 64 7095262
62 64 48708
63 63 20742
64 63 3279606
65 63 4641828
66 57 1389771
67 62 2301405
68 62 68781
69 61 154548
70 61 730962
71 61 7954
72 60 1389026
73 59 37934
74 59 394203
75 58 19808
76 69 69554
77 69 12083
78 67 377721
79 67 109727
80 67 63325
81 66 12065
82 65 189969
83 65 38805
84 62 118426
85 62 14416
86 62 90026
87 62 65788
88 62 228656
89 61 83566
90 60 49837
91 60 78828
92 60 219698
93 59 8290
94 59 49226
95 59 25982
96 58 44755
97 58 90028
98 69 3615736
99 59 59583
100 58 6345