
Genre: brazilian punk

Play genre

Brazilian punk music is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Brazil. It is characterized by fast and aggressive guitar riffs, raw vocals, and politically charged lyrics that often address social issues and government corruption. The genre has evolved over the years, incorporating elements of ska, reggae, and metal. Bands in this genre often have a strong DIY ethos and are known for their energetic live performances.

Most popular brazilian punk artists

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Parent Genre: metal

Sub genres

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Instruments used

Bass Guitar, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Brazilian Punk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 121
2024 17
2023 30
2022 37
2021 14
2020 23
2010s 182
2019 16
2018 28
2017 25
2016 16
2015 23
2014 22
2013 10
2012 17
2011 18
2010 7
2000s 140
2009 9
2008 14
2007 14
2006 19
2005 14
2004 15
2003 9
2002 19
2001 13
2000 14
1990s 52
1999 14
1998 10
1997 10
1996 5
1995 2
1994 7
1992 2
1991 2
1980s 22
1989 3
1988 3
1987 1
1986 6
1985 4
1984 1
1983 2
1982 2
1940s 1
1940 1
518 releases

Popular brazilian punk Songs

Top New brazilian punk Songs of 2024

brazilian punk music by decade

Explore brazilian punk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of brazilian punk artists

Here is a list of brazilian punk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the brazilian punk genre. You can find out what brazilian punk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 182435
2 62 1534838
3 37 69984
4 30 42625
5 30 23540
6 41 112540
7 30 36789
8 22 15351
9 25 19352
10 24 5679
11 24 5494
12 29 54830
13 23 20874
14 19 10196
15 36 39561
16 35 35064
17 17 8246
18 28 39957
19 16 16923
20 28 22200
21 12 11897
22 30 19148
23 11 4402
24 10 4240
25 32 41277
26 29 27704
27 30 32660
28 21 6899
29 61 763912
30 20 15823
31 27 25879
32 22 12786
33 18 8796
34 25 14983
35 16 7976
36 23 13389
37 22 14092
38 52 362343
39 11 8111
40 39 78677
41 18 5085
42 14 2922
43 15 9341
44 14 7475
45 14 2721
46 14 7972
47 38 47825
48 13 2875
49 11 5194
50 11 1682
51 31 58251
52 9 1255
53 8 4732
54 7 2910
55 6 2665
56 36 62439
57 5 3113
58 40 265694
59 43 216180
60 27 23957
61 19 12789
62 19 13423
63 29 26921
64 18 11627
65 22 7861
66 16 4186
67 35 68377
68 32 2556
69 24 9405
70 4 1156
71 3 8514
72 24 5371
73 22 22532
74 16 10190
75 17 9293
76 6 4160
77 18 8367
78 12 3299
79 15 3467
80 12 1551
81 7 2243
82 13 3326
83 12 1803
84 12 834
85 11 1835
86 7 3260
87 9 3743
88 8 1888
89 7 2644
90 6 747
91 5 2343
92 5 694
93 5 1396
94 4 698
95 4 495
96 4 1758
97 4 1048
98 3 1108
99 3 1404
100 3 791

brazilian punk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular brazilian punk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.