
Genre: brega

Play genre

Brega music is a popular genre in Brazil that emerged in the 1970s. It is characterized by its romantic and sentimental lyrics, often accompanied by a mix of traditional Brazilian rhythms and electronic sounds. Brega music has been criticized for its simplistic and repetitive melodies, but it remains a beloved genre for many Brazilians. Its popularity has given rise to many successful artists who continue to produce music in this style today.

Most popular brega artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Brega genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 211
2024 14
2023 36
2022 51
2021 83
2020 27
2010s 240
2019 29
2018 38
2017 43
2016 22
2015 37
2014 31
2013 14
2012 10
2011 11
2010 5
2000s 205
2009 10
2008 12
2007 8
2006 24
2005 15
2004 17
2003 32
2002 29
2001 22
2000 36
1990s 151
1999 18
1998 28
1997 27
1996 25
1995 21
1994 9
1993 4
1992 8
1991 5
1990 6
1980s 117
1989 7
1988 8
1987 13
1986 5
1985 11
1984 13
1983 7
1982 14
1981 21
1980 18
1970s 125
1979 21
1978 20
1977 15
1976 9
1975 12
1974 10
1973 13
1972 10
1971 7
1970 8
1960s 27
1969 5
1968 7
1967 5
1966 3
1965 2
1964 1
1963 2
1961 1
1960 1
1076 releases

Popular brega Songs

Top New brega Songs of 2024

brega music by decade

Explore brega history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of brega artists

Here is a list of brega artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the brega genre. You can find out what brega genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 448637
2 48 124282
3 45 83792
4 41 10598
5 38 7378
6 37 42639
7 41 118158
8 35 54840
9 44 218416
10 43 100701
11 34 19115
12 43 155191
13 50 235794
14 45 158430
15 36 23055
16 46 27543
17 41 214565
18 44 82120
19 41 130852
20 38 70520
21 41 92193
22 41 154165
23 40 85696
24 37 67932
25 31 27622
26 38 41473
27 30 27967
28 31 19544
29 37 38471
30 28 18670
31 35 23557
32 35 19776
33 35 26195
34 34 76398
35 33 71713
36 30 36067
37 33 10964
38 33 25375
39 33 58484
40 64 880728
41 32 18795
42 30 5101
43 30 15551
44 30 28448
45 26 17922
46 29 25372
47 28 33412
48 28 16251
49 27 17600
50 27 16731
51 25 4657
52 25 11507
53 21 23561
54 20 1914
55 45 130930
56 60 334075
57 34 27533
58 38 52412
59 34 33161
60 39 30018
61 28 8660
62 30 8550
63 26 43086
64 34 38713
65 43 84146
66 25 5425
67 40 68222
68 39 18887
69 21 1591
70 32 65085
71 37 21587
72 20 907
73 36 55368
74 35 31904
75 34 19525
76 34 18976
77 33 35076
78 33 22903
79 33 32631
80 29 28491
81 30 11543
82 29 4819
83 28 25152
84 26 32819
85 25 7502
86 25 3458
87 25 13356
88 24 6672
89 23 6616
90 23 9967
91 22 2405
92 23 883
93 23 3347
94 23 5877
95 22 4281
96 22 1819
97 21 6681
98 20 8185
99 21 10352
100 19 28679

brega playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular brega music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.