
Genre: brisbane indie

Play genre

Brisbane's indie music scene is characterized by dreamy, introspective lyrics and ethereal melodies. The genre often incorporates electronic elements and showcases a range of vocal styles, from delicate and haunting to bold and powerful. The music is often deeply personal, exploring themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. Brisbane indie artists have gained a reputation for their unique sound and ability to capture the emotional complexities of the human experience.

Most popular brisbane indie artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Brisbane Indie genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 311
2024 41
2023 98
2022 67
2021 42
2020 63
2010s 227
2019 62
2018 49
2017 28
2016 37
2015 8
2014 18
2013 13
2012 7
2011 3
2010 2
2000s 2
2009 1
2004 1
540 releases

Popular brisbane indie Songs

Top New brisbane indie Songs of 2024

brisbane indie music by decade

Explore brisbane indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of brisbane indie artists

Here is a list of brisbane indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the brisbane indie genre. You can find out what brisbane indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 53 220791
2 65 133097
3 48 139263
4 53 79911
5 46 179648
6 45 84995
7 47 138850
8 45 23581
9 35 68932
10 40 34143
11 48 170413
12 34 50752
13 40 27802
14 35 47272
15 27 11004
16 37 71304
17 34 1798
18 25 8015
19 30 3646
20 30 8171
21 29 8681
22 24 16740
23 17 6612
24 27 9706
25 26 4902
26 20 8726
27 24 6607
28 12 9241
29 22 12787
30 21 2807
31 19 1433
32 19 3023
33 15 2267
34 15 1472
35 15 2359
36 11 1791
37 13 1144
38 13 2701
39 13 755
40 13 828
41 6 2857
42 12 1177
43 12 484
44 12 2472
45 8 1379
46 8 1529
47 3 2866
48 8 2256
49 8 3675
50 1 1651
51 7 1955
52 7 583
53 7 2523
54 7 642
55 7 382
56 7 1219
57 7 894
58 7 1494
59 6 682
60 6 909
61 5 789
62 5 1244
63 5 476
64 5 606
65 5 351
66 5 612
67 5 733
68 5 763
69 4 751
70 1 456
71 4 1135
72 4 1336
73 4 385
74 4 1055
75 3 891
76 1 486
77 1 366
78 2 585
79 2 378
80 2 208
81 2 102
82 1 148
83 1 573
84 1 196
85 1 277
86 1 235
87 1 335
88 1 397
89 1 909
90 1 367
91 1 379
92 1 359
93 1 291
94 1 125

brisbane indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular brisbane indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.