
Genre britpop

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Britpop is a music genre that emerged in the United Kingdom in the mid-1990s. It is characterized by its catchy melodies, guitar-driven sound, and lyrics that often focus on themes of youth culture and British identity. The genre was heavily influenced by 1960s British rock and pop, and often features elements of punk and indie rock. Key bands associated with Britpop include those known for their distinctive sound and style, and for their impact on popular culture. (AI Generated)

Most popular britpop artists

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Parent Genre: pop

Related genres

Instruments used

Vocals, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Britpop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 687
2025 8
2024 179
2023 186
2022 114
2021 94
2020 106
2010s 647
2019 94
2018 79
2017 69
2016 57
2015 65
2014 54
2013 48
2012 48
2011 68
2010 65
2000s 796
2009 82
2008 84
2007 84
2006 93
2005 88
2004 80
2003 68
2002 80
2001 69
2000 68
1990s 727
1999 67
1998 96
1997 121
1996 84
1995 83
1994 79
1993 47
1992 57
1991 49
1990 44
1980s 47
1989 15
1988 9
1987 7
1986 3
1985 2
1983 5
1982 4
1980 2
1970s 6
1979 3
1978 1
1977 2
2910 releases

britpop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular britpop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular britpop Songs

Top New britpop Songs of 2024

britpop music by decade

Explore britpop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of britpop artists

Here is a list of britpop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the britpop genre. You can find out what britpop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 77 11241022
2 69 3649705
3 57 1174410
4 59 269819
5 61 1639243
6 58 590472
7 58 999463
8 58 993013
9 43 246536
10 51 535692
11 55 1182896
12 46 427071
13 45 139549
14 49 276913
15 48 428427
16 38 154360
17 47 450724
18 46 380421
19 36 59999
20 46 169662
21 45 244319
22 44 356179
23 44 160441
24 42 163878
25 40 152734
26 40 117957
27 39 69639
28 38 63184
29 33 47587
30 37 69632
31 32 88275
32 36 73403
33 36 124709
34 36 39746
35 35 193965
36 33 33708
37 34 71795
38 34 27780
39 34 44311
40 68 2526644
41 33 48064
42 60 1843250
43 54 903523
44 58 1355125
45 64 1643481
46 63 2017264
47 56 794789
48 60 1129414
49 54 572409
50 58 641118
51 45 248721
52 46 268065
53 55 712924
54 48 145499
55 53 454183
56 52 547519
57 42 148936
58 51 478525
59 46 105239
60 51 114100
61 50 60968
62 49 506098
63 49 242313
64 48 270990
65 41 41831
66 41 149413
67 41 279767
68 47 228656
69 47 64525
70 40 152015
71 41 153555
72 42 137336
73 41 84338
74 38 62883
75 45 185393
76 38 148569
77 44 169313
78 39 147501
79 40 86052
80 39 116083
81 43 177467
82 42 188016
83 41 37824
84 41 129106
85 41 69338
86 37 103602
87 37 47711
88 34 60635
89 40 17501
90 39 115709
91 39 136191
92 39 62036
93 37 84360
94 38 79286
95 37 121295
96 35 257764
97 34 72545
98 34 66559
99 33 63677
100 32 41272