
Genre: brostep

Play genre

Parent Genre: Electronic

Brostep is a subgenre of dubstep that emerged in the early 2010s. It is characterized by aggressive and heavy basslines, distorted synths, and intense drops. Brostep often incorporates elements of electro house and trap music, and is known for its high energy and intense live performances.

Most popular brostep artists

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Related instruments

Synthesizer, Vocals, Drum Machine, Sampler, Sequencer, Bass Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit

Popular brostep Songs

Top New brostep Songs of 2024

brostep music by decade

Explore brostep history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of brostep artists

Here is a list of brostep artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the brostep genre. You can find out what brostep genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 482984
2 61 586763
3 53 302227
4 47 233116
5 46 106926
6 55 413318
7 50 560862
8 45 80341
9 55 687844
10 55 289562
11 47 341628
12 63 1122385
13 61 420044
14 53 886945
15 44 144793
16 54 309426
17 53 237848
18 51 246255
19 52 337135
20 57 702667
21 52 175736
22 48 207826
23 61 518400
24 51 346142
25 46 194165
26 44 281888
27 85 7198511
28 76 7560948
29 50 97796
30 58 461020
31 50 216050
32 54 385776
33 45 203628
34 47 153185
35 84 33616159
36 42 66312
37 41 71234
38 56 69867
39 42 152520
40 49 115583
41 46 111302
42 63 629120
43 46 191745
44 51 120954
45 50 36362
46 45 69340
47 43 185430
48 47 87369
49 41 70571
50 40 83332
51 41 73440
52 41 127404
53 46 213502
54 40 69759
55 57 136248
56 39 114969
57 45 67273
58 39 43168
59 41 77034
60 50 66759
61 40 40680
62 39 57121
63 56 108158
64 54 118494
65 61 719380
66 49 109847
67 42 97274
68 52 596451
69 45 80406
70 52 158571
71 41 140448
72 42 74377
73 48 96065
74 60 313305
75 45 69610
76 49 759142
77 44 153650
78 41 40130
79 40 63787
80 46 14988
81 43 337920
82 45 231204
83 47 224959
84 44 272923
85 46 336603
86 64 294016
87 47 79202
88 43 64544
89 53 269448
90 59 104627
91 48 164869
92 50 80446
93 54 227447
94 49 29001
95 50 213401
96 46 72887
97 46 74461
98 45 88386
99 41 98869
100 40 54593

brostep playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular brostep music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.