
Genre: brutal deathcore

Play genre

Parent Genre: metal

Brutal deathcore is a subgenre of heavy metal that combines elements of death metal and hardcore punk. It is characterized by its aggressive and intense sound, with heavy use of breakdowns, blast beats, and guttural vocals. The lyrics often deal with themes of violence, death, and despair. Bands in this genre typically have a dark and ominous aesthetic, with imagery that reflects their brutal sound.

Most popular brutal deathcore artists

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Related genres

Related instruments

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass

Popular brutal deathcore Songs

Top New brutal deathcore Songs of 2024

Most popular brutal deathcore albums

How To Survive A Funeral
Oh What the Future Holds
The Chosen
Liminal Rite
Odyssey to the West
The Human Hive
Feast of the Blood Monsters

brutal deathcore music by decade

Explore brutal deathcore history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of brutal deathcore artists

Here is a list of brutal deathcore artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the brutal deathcore genre. You can find out what brutal deathcore genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 56 259235
2 33 84621
3 39 103906
4 36 61700
5 41 91611
6 48 204233
7 32 37041
8 34 81769
9 23 27746
10 29 36968
11 21 20187
12 18 15744
13 13 0
14 11 6339
15 10 0
16 10 9824
17 22 23606
18 11 9258
19 12 10653
20 31 29836
21 27 25538
22 9 7295
23 8 11135
24 8 4713
25 6 4346
26 6 4895
27 5 7303
28 23 12749
29 4 3191
30 3 3594
31 17 2517
32 15 3167
33 12 1928
34 11 5164
35 10 3146
36 9 4124
37 8 3813
38 9 2279
39 10 7757
40 8 5050
41 8 3223
42 9 1581
43 2 3079
44 8 1493
45 8 3154
46 8 6625
47 7 699
48 6 4130
49 5 1256
50 2 2455
51 4 3942
52 6 1721
53 6 3345
54 6 3877
55 6 4680
56 6 660
57 5 3089
58 5 2784
59 4 2958
60 5 3687
61 2 1516
62 4 2634
63 4 1996
64 4 1885
65 4 3885
66 4 2621
67 4 473
68 2 2547
69 2 1618
70 3 3244
71 3 1208
72 3 1912
73 3 1646
74 3 1372
75 3 3323
76 2 1543
77 2 762
78 1 1514
79 2 2086
80 2 602
81 2 694
82 2 1612
83 2 401
84 2 669
85 2 199
86 2 197
87 1 203
88 1 361
89 1 308
90 1 619
91 1 865
92 1 1231
93 1 1709
94 1 1601
95 1 1027
96 1 521
97 1 198
98 1 545
99 1 329
100 1 443

brutal deathcore playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular brutal deathcore music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.