
Genre: bubblegrunge

Play genre

Parent Genre: rock

Bubblegrunge is a music genre that combines the upbeat and catchy melodies of bubblegum pop with the raw and emotional sound of grunge. The genre often features distorted guitars, heavy drums, and introspective lyrics that touch on themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery. The music is characterized by its nostalgic and dreamy quality, with a touch of melancholy that adds depth to the overall sound.

Most popular bubblegrunge artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Keyboard/Piano, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer

Popular bubblegrunge Songs

Top New bubblegrunge Songs of 2024

bubblegrunge music by decade

Explore bubblegrunge history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of bubblegrunge artists

Here is a list of bubblegrunge artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the bubblegrunge genre. You can find out what bubblegrunge genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 50 254899
2 54 151646
3 39 69361
4 31 56616
5 52 137310
6 43 105729
7 47 88849
8 77 3344056
9 38 128754
10 42 59392
11 33 42275
12 61 203979
13 50 134629
14 37 78973
15 32 49824
16 39 108904
17 44 165370
18 37 77876
19 69 1388670
20 41 57267
21 42 44299
22 51 373559
23 31 48351
24 44 72748
25 30 26318
26 49 209868
27 38 49848
28 32 40046
29 33 33140
30 27 38215
31 36 57062
32 40 89429
33 29 21924
34 41 84077
35 36 127247
36 28 20489
37 39 40619
38 33 53181
39 38 27310
40 33 23732
41 31 14554
42 38 32385
43 46 129334
44 57 293598
45 56 165742
46 47 383413
47 32 20630
48 43 129422
49 30 17197
50 53 159382
51 27 24490
52 28 20697
53 30 73601
54 27 8712
55 44 99813
56 48 143809
57 50 61739
58 44 59137
59 35 34272
60 47 39510
61 47 86751
62 37 41226
63 43 74577
64 44 71812
65 27 22225
66 41 78178
67 52 18395
68 39 72944
69 40 30082
70 35 22700
71 36 43893
72 40 34254
73 34 32341
74 34 74248
75 30 27898
76 47 44332
77 34 13402
78 37 16345
79 38 52958
80 32 54135
81 38 132913
82 42 31525
83 41 59764
84 41 67673
85 37 46293
86 30 31027
87 37 17287
88 33 16471
89 27 49724
90 34 49268
91 34 35847
92 33 42842
93 31 33769
94 31 10215
95 30 53937
96 30 14457
97 29 12927
98 28 15908
99 28 15843
100 27 13336

bubblegrunge playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular bubblegrunge music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.