
Genre: cancion infantil latinoamericana

Play genre

Cancion infantil latinoamericana is a music genre that focuses on creating fun and educational songs for children. The music is often upbeat and incorporates elements of traditional Latin American music such as cumbia, salsa, and samba. The lyrics are usually simple and easy to understand, with themes that promote values such as friendship, respect, and environmental awareness. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many artists creating music that appeals to both children and adults.

Most popular cancion infantil latinoamericana artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Cancion Infantil Latinoamericana genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 325
2024 27
2023 100
2022 63
2021 52
2020 83
2010s 305
2019 48
2018 53
2017 44
2016 31
2015 22
2014 36
2013 16
2012 18
2011 26
2010 11
2000s 94
2009 16
2008 5
2007 9
2006 12
2005 11
2004 9
2003 11
2002 5
2001 11
2000 5
1990s 26
1999 7
1998 5
1997 1
1996 4
1994 2
1993 3
1992 1
1991 2
1990 1
1980s 12
1989 2
1988 3
1986 1
1985 1
1984 1
1983 2
1981 1
1980 1
1970s 10
1979 3
1976 3
1975 1
1973 1
1971 2
1960s 7
1969 2
1968 1
1967 1
1966 1
1964 2
779 releases

Popular cancion infantil latinoamericana Songs

Top New cancion infantil latinoamericana Songs of 2024

cancion infantil latinoamericana music by decade

Explore cancion infantil latinoamericana history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of cancion infantil latinoamericana artists

Here is a list of cancion infantil latinoamericana artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the cancion infantil latinoamericana genre. You can find out what cancion infantil latinoamericana genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 56 166996
2 54 103747
3 54 32626
4 53 25315
5 52 99180
6 51 23577
7 51 55564
8 50 57077
9 50 46573
10 49 68133
11 49 100514
12 47 32846
13 47 5902
14 46 8166
15 46 34189
16 44 14329
17 42 30389
18 40 6046
19 40 12916
20 40 33814
21 39 8844
22 39 53194
23 39 9184
24 39 26082
25 37 21481
26 36 10579
27 36 4426
28 36 7703
29 35 5078
30 33 2084
31 33 6388
32 33 15200
33 33 6749
34 33 17527
35 33 14316
36 32 6549
37 32 3691
38 32 2851
39 31 8804
40 30 8416
41 30 8996
42 26 6822
43 26 5406
44 26 6850
45 25 9800
46 25 2098
47 25 8000
48 25 4112
49 24 4850
50 23 1703
51 23 3374
52 21 7121
53 20 3218
54 19 2522
55 43 36599
56 36 17180
57 36 4974
58 33 25809
59 33 1883
60 33 7236
61 32 5942
62 32 547
63 31 1430
64 30 391
65 29 4028
66 28 7213
67 29 2180
68 29 6196
69 29 1013
70 29 5696
71 28 7883
72 28 4049
73 27 1138
74 27 2221
75 27 5884
76 26 4241
77 23 1633
78 24 4577
79 24 7647
80 23 3468
81 23 4155
82 23 1757
83 23 3322
84 23 2612
85 22 5525
86 22 3011
87 21 5100
88 22 2122
89 21 109
90 21 4756
91 21 1964
92 20 806
93 20 506
94 20 1200
95 19 393
96 18 3320
97 18 1855
98 18 3608
99 18 1632
100 18 154

cancion infantil latinoamericana playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular cancion infantil latinoamericana music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.