
Genre: cantautor

Play genre

Cantautor music is a genre that combines elements of folk, pop, and rock music. It is characterized by its introspective and poetic lyrics, which often deal with personal experiences and emotions. The music is typically performed with acoustic instruments, such as guitar and piano, and the vocals are delivered in a heartfelt and expressive manner. Cantautor music has gained popularity in Latin America and Spain, and has produced many successful and influential artists.

Most popular cantautor artists

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Parent Genre: latin

Sub genres

Related genres

Instruments used

Melodica, Vocals, Keyboard/Piano, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Cantautor genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 417
2024 57
2023 138
2022 73
2021 63
2020 86
2010s 672
2019 63
2018 72
2017 56
2016 79
2015 61
2014 78
2013 67
2012 57
2011 68
2010 71
2000s 482
2009 58
2008 55
2007 43
2006 47
2005 55
2004 44
2003 61
2002 37
2001 43
2000 39
1990s 323
1999 45
1998 50
1997 37
1996 33
1995 29
1994 30
1993 21
1992 32
1991 28
1990 18
1980s 200
1989 25
1988 22
1987 19
1986 17
1985 23
1984 29
1983 15
1982 11
1981 16
1980 23
1970s 124
1979 15
1978 18
1977 8
1976 15
1975 19
1974 10
1973 12
1972 7
1971 9
1970 11
1960s 28
1969 11
1968 4
1967 4
1966 2
1965 2
1964 1
1963 3
1962 1
1950s 3
1957 1
1956 1
1955 1
1900s 1
1905 1
2250 releases

Popular cantautor Songs

Top New cantautor Songs of 2024

cantautor music by decade

Explore cantautor history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of cantautor artists

Here is a list of cantautor artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the cantautor genre. You can find out what cantautor genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 808602
2 60 613752
3 55 287505
4 56 362390
5 54 474552
6 62 753132
7 53 340764
8 68 1877165
9 68 3132125
10 53 338615
11 55 470402
12 52 283646
13 62 169444
14 59 642233
15 57 536256
16 50 234084
17 53 338384
18 65 857304
19 53 210358
20 53 399519
21 47 123258
22 52 363200
23 48 156874
24 44 56515
25 50 194470
26 49 211559
27 65 1441203
28 42 53164
29 46 95380
30 52 182549
31 53 236303
32 43 75151
33 59 870747
34 59 1022134
35 61 1454282
36 64 855901
37 50 433344
38 60 775721
39 52 152679
40 55 598208
41 50 351598
42 48 177850
43 54 379527
44 50 367132
45 57 440403
46 46 137415
47 43 207260
48 53 205815
49 53 96916
50 54 342576
51 60 755850
52 50 271766
53 51 379403
54 72 2569848
55 76 7616074
56 49 437253
57 47 156436
58 76 13167213
59 50 88205
60 47 372657
61 42 78566
62 53 214342
63 49 366004
64 60 599609
65 48 303918
66 43 115061
67 61 1442995
68 54 309589
69 42 125555
70 58 296986
71 53 250245
72 52 128788
73 46 104452
74 54 145488
75 41 43209
76 38 60720
77 46 98891
78 57 916493
79 51 291753
80 47 80816
81 40 87109
82 50 232721
83 48 80745
84 43 94007
85 37 53159
86 36 78650
87 46 103338
88 44 81284
89 50 185549
90 51 133439
91 49 71460
92 47 82631
93 38 51833
94 38 109469
95 40 52202
96 36 51363
97 42 81475
98 37 21633
99 38 64834
100 38 66789

cantautor playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular cantautor music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.