
Genre: cantautora argentina

Play genre

Cantautora Argentina is a music genre that features female singer-songwriters from Argentina. The music is characterized by its poetic lyrics and emotive vocals, often accompanied by acoustic guitar or other instruments. The genre often explores themes of love, loss, and social justice, with a focus on personal experiences and storytelling. The artists in this genre are known for their unique voices and their ability to connect with audiences on a deep emotional level.

Most popular cantautora argentina artists

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Parent Genre: latin

Related genres

Instruments used

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Horn Section, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Keyboard, Percussion

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Cantautora Argentina genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 174
2024 12
2023 49
2022 30
2021 40
2020 43
2010s 137
2019 35
2018 31
2017 20
2016 5
2015 14
2014 7
2013 8
2012 8
2011 4
2010 5
2000s 16
2009 6
2008 1
2007 1
2006 2
2005 2
2003 2
2000 2
1990s 5
1998 2
1994 2
1992 1
1980s 5
1986 1
1985 1
1984 1
1983 1
1982 1
337 releases

Popular cantautora argentina Songs

Top New cantautora argentina Songs of 2024

cantautora argentina music by decade

Explore cantautora argentina history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of cantautora argentina artists

Here is a list of cantautora argentina artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the cantautora argentina genre. You can find out what cantautora argentina genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 65 230984
2 51 97046
3 30 13224
4 47 252343
5 35 37720
6 47 2502
7 39 44995
8 35 17735
9 41 79787
10 31 9942
11 30 15075
12 26 5182
13 39 10901
14 36 43191
15 34 48769
16 36 16824
17 25 16882
18 37 13867
19 24 6701
20 23 12540
21 22 11256
22 24 8452
23 19 6687
24 22 5543
25 22 6462
26 24 5636
27 23 10669
28 13 8159
29 21 18656
30 22 7298
31 21 4111
32 21 4492
33 21 4435
34 20 1798
35 8 2615
36 18 809
37 17 384
38 16 7708
39 16 11625
40 8 2002
41 4 2491
42 15 1039
43 14 416
44 14 2539
45 14 7607
46 13 1082
47 13 1257
48 10 2777
49 4 751
50 11 4434
51 10 2149
52 10 670
53 7 1652
54 9 2844
55 9 236
56 9 1630
57 9 1059
58 8 504
59 7 474
60 3 495
61 6 948
62 6 175
63 5 475
64 5 467
65 5 1330
66 5 1377
67 3 1804
68 4 633
69 4 472
70 4 964
71 1 223
72 4 1209
73 3 133
74 3 1225
75 3 743
76 3 245
77 3 344
78 3 742
79 3 423
80 2 252
81 1 429
82 2 224
83 2 274
84 1 160
85 2 97
86 2 237
87 2 979
88 2 547
89 2 732
90 2 610
91 1 234
92 1 141
93 1 307
94 1 302
95 1 56
96 1 451
97 1 174
98 1 461
99 1 501
100 1 311

cantautora argentina playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular cantautora argentina music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.