
Genre: cartoni animati

Play genre

Cartoni animati music genre is a type of music that is often associated with animated television shows and movies. It is characterized by upbeat and catchy melodies, often featuring electronic and pop elements. The lyrics are usually simple and easy to sing along to, making it popular with children and young adults. Some of the common themes in this genre include friendship, adventure, and overcoming obstacles. The music is often performed by well-known Italian artists who have made a name for themselves in the industry.

Most popular cartoni animati artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Cartoni Animati genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 53
2024 2
2023 12
2022 12
2021 10
2020 17
2010s 130
2019 14
2018 20
2017 13
2016 14
2015 14
2014 15
2013 9
2012 9
2011 13
2010 9
2000s 49
2009 7
2008 10
2007 2
2006 11
2004 6
2003 5
2002 2
2001 2
2000 4
1990s 22
1999 2
1998 6
1997 4
1996 2
1995 1
1994 4
1993 1
1992 2
1980s 10
1988 1
1987 1
1983 2
1982 3
1981 1
1980 2
1970s 9
1979 1
1978 3
1977 2
1974 1
1973 1
1972 1
273 releases

Popular cartoni animati Songs

Top New cartoni animati Songs of 2024

cartoni animati music by decade

Explore cartoni animati history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of cartoni animati artists

Here is a list of cartoni animati artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the cartoni animati genre. You can find out what cartoni animati genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 42 7609
2 29 2654
3 29 2021
4 28 607
5 49 83289
6 27 957
7 27 2395
8 25 2937
9 24 1188
10 24 3282
11 24 1409
12 41 96235
13 20 656
14 19 470
15 18 791
16 39 19886
17 17 1471
18 17 1034
19 37 32464
20 15 356
21 35 450
22 13 708
23 34 1122
24 34 28619
25 32 504
26 10 738
27 31 26050
28 31 1568
29 28 39118
30 29 311
31 28 6670
32 7 177
33 6 238
34 26 3829
35 5 261
36 25 9573
37 25 4903
38 24 1075
39 23 2788
40 23 1471
41 23 268
42 23 896
43 22 6224
44 22 828
45 22 1374
46 22 492
47 21 211
48 21 992
49 20 581
50 20 3780
51 20 109
52 19 254
53 19 1496
54 19 717
55 18 1955
56 18 3931
57 18 366
58 17 802
59 17 583
60 16 406
61 15 293
62 15 1940
63 13 209
64 13 1031
65 12 580
66 12 408
67 11 1939
68 11 813
69 9 378
70 9 908
71 8 477
72 8 396
73 8 62
74 7 210
75 7 115
76 7 44
77 6 79
78 6 75
79 6 117
80 5 54
81 5 104
82 5 25
83 4 109
84 4 120
85 4 50
86 4 284
87 3 158
88 3 290
89 2 116
90 2 277
91 2 70
92 2 71
93 2 121
94 1 431
95 1 277

cartoni animati playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular cartoni animati music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.