
Genre: cartoon

Play genre

Cartoon music is a genre that is specifically created for children's animated shows and films. It is characterized by upbeat and catchy melodies, simple lyrics, and often includes sound effects and dialogue from the characters. The music is designed to engage and entertain young viewers while also reinforcing educational concepts and values. Popular examples of cartoon music include the theme songs from PAW Patrol, Pinkfong, and Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhyme Friends.

Most popular cartoon artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Cartoon genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 551
2024 62
2023 134
2022 125
2021 129
2020 101
2010s 285
2019 68
2018 67
2017 32
2016 12
2015 23
2014 17
2013 11
2012 18
2011 23
2010 14
2000s 89
2009 15
2008 6
2007 12
2006 13
2005 10
2004 8
2003 2
2002 3
2001 12
2000 8
1990s 29
1999 3
1998 3
1997 8
1996 3
1995 4
1994 1
1993 5
1992 1
1990 1
1980s 10
1987 3
1983 2
1982 2
1981 2
1980 1
1970s 17
1979 3
1977 3
1975 2
1974 5
1972 1
1971 2
1970 1
981 releases

Popular cartoon Songs

Top New cartoon Songs of 2024

cartoon music by decade

Explore cartoon history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of cartoon artists

Here is a list of cartoon artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the cartoon genre. You can find out what cartoon genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 69 359470
2 58 158304
3 62 127475
4 60 71271
5 61 60692
6 58 51679
7 53 55679
8 55 392290
9 54 17088
10 54 110644
11 53 118057
12 51 39567
13 68 178891
14 45 69544
15 44 75363
16 65 21602
17 62 148473
18 42 115922
19 36 40633
20 61 43032
21 60 329932
22 53 59778
23 35 21409
24 37 8779
25 55 284354
26 56 221659
27 50 26788
28 47 1530
29 25 15250
30 44 15813
31 44 76943
32 45 47821
33 45 10390
34 42 63152
35 42 12876
36 21 11520
37 41 18269
38 40 30528
39 40 27922
40 39 19981
41 39 54685
42 34 18263
43 38 13164
44 38 8847
45 38 11094
46 37 8187
47 36 25983
48 36 23307
49 36 24367
50 36 14936
51 36 13258
52 15 5898
53 35 1863
54 35 38150
55 35 19403
56 34 12491
57 34 21894
58 34 6925
59 34 20294
60 33 13371
61 27 8262
62 32 19859
63 29 29435
64 28 14651
65 28 10470
66 28 734
67 27 7210
68 27 15236
69 27 16681
70 26 11669
71 24 17187
72 23 345
73 21 17091
74 21 3960
75 21 419
76 20 401
77 19 2631
78 19 2226
79 17 15323
80 17 1571
81 15 808
82 14 150
83 13 16133
84 13 7065
85 12 2029
86 12 14666
87 11 15197
88 10 11193
89 9 1111
90 8 14662
91 7 13081
92 4 22901
93 4 7353
94 3 436
95 2 425

cartoon playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular cartoon music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.