
Genre: charva

Play genre

Charva music is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in the north of England. It is characterized by fast-paced beats, heavy basslines, and repetitive lyrics that often focus on partying and drinking. The music is popular among young people and is often associated with the working-class culture of the region. (AI Generated)

Most popular charva artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Charva genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 959
2024 166
2023 261
2022 220
2021 174
2020 138
2010s 133
2019 79
2018 20
2017 9
2016 6
2015 11
2014 6
2013 1
2010 1
2000s 6
2009 2
2008 2
2002 1
2000 1
1098 releases

Popular charva Songs

Top New charva Songs of 2024

charva music by decade

Explore charva history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of charva artists

Here is a list of charva artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the charva genre. You can find out what charva genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 106263
2 61 341096
3 53 107197
4 60 96133
5 57 70167
6 54 31168
7 51 122838
8 43 53108
9 43 37769
10 50 8640
11 50 30087
12 47 29862
13 45 44400
14 49 2707
15 49 70875
16 39 15630
17 39 13222
18 46 103159
19 46 32709
20 46 107760
21 42 13264
22 46 15381
23 45 13074
24 45 30258
25 37 20051
26 45 23914
27 44 25072
28 35 17081
29 42 22189
30 41 6541
31 41 12461
32 40 1399
33 38 2418
34 39 3624
35 38 6055
36 36 14142
37 37 8793
38 36 11955
39 36 18901
40 37 3151
41 34 10320
42 33 3128
43 33 853
44 32 12744
45 31 1349
46 31 17166
47 31 3270
48 30 12558
49 30 9905
50 30 8108
51 29 2263
52 29 6769
53 29 5554
54 29 273
55 28 10024
56 27 700
57 27 4663
58 27 1341
59 27 564
60 27 388
61 27 463
62 26 4045
63 26 770
64 25 10653
65 25 780
66 25 2719
67 24 243
68 24 452
69 24 1816
70 23 631
71 23 3758
72 23 1311
73 20 7542
74 21 373
75 21 20548
76 21 724
77 20 95
78 20 1629
79 20 1824
80 20 975
81 19 553
82 19 852
83 18 272
84 18 2033
85 17 1672
86 17 2256
87 17 1058
88 15 16786
89 16 567
90 16 122
91 16 652
92 16 647
93 16 661
94 15 450
95 15 799
96 15 610
97 15 2421
98 15 2777
99 14 2734
100 14 150

charva playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular charva music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.